
If you add supports to the deck, you’ve literally changed the deck. It’s materially different.

Maybe after the next civil war the republicans are shooting for, we can reform the court. Make it just justices and they can only serve for 20 years or something (stagger it out a bit perhaps). Also setup a watchdog agency who has the power to remove justices if they have been bribed or are married to traitors.

This doesn’t change the fact the court and its reputation is damaged until further notice. The GQP ramming thru confirmations during the Trump era, esp w/ ACB, Kav and Gorsuch, has eroded most of the public’s trust in the court to be objective and impartial. Compound that w/ the recent and damning allegations

This. I live in Florida which is currently under a fascist regime. The state has spent so damn much money attacking and demonizing trans people, LGBTQ people, and anyone believing in basic human dignity for all, that the culture war is currently costing taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. And that’s just the

But we don’t have to sit quietly while they do.

My point is, people are arrested all the time for suspicion of a crime. Then they are released if it’s found there isn’t enough evidence to charge them. There was clear evidence that an incident occurred that resulted in death, and the evidence on the ground pointed to the fact that the shooter’s life is not in

It’s sickening they keep spouting this “feud” theory. A white woman was verbally and physically attacking minority children for being in a public space. Their parent was were defending their children from unwarranted attacks, but sure it’s a “feud”. Her actions were not limited to the deceased’s children. The women

That would be somewhat believable if not for the fact that cops treat this law as somehow super sacred, but any other law as if it can be bent however they want.

“[wished] our shooter would have called us instead of taking actions into her own hands.”

The best thing about stand your ground laws and other cases of claiming “self defense” as an excuse to commit murder is that you can be the instigator against an unarmed person. You can start shit (a la that piece of shit George Zimmerman) and then when the other person tries to stand up for themselves, you can just

This “long-running feud” appears to consist of this woman repeatedly assaulting Owens’ children with no consequence.  Of course she thought she could murder Owens and get away with it.

The argument isn’t bad at all. This woman acted a whole ass fool and was caught on camera doing so. What exactly was done to her to warrant that level of fuckery in her behavior? Not a fucking thing. In fact SHE was the one being aggressive in that video not that anyone has used that word to describe her.

The answer to what question? Do you know of a pathetic useless tool of white supremacy who hasn’t figured out he’s being used and Black people don’t respect him?

Uncle Tim ain’t serious anyway. Just like Nikki Naley aka Nimrata Randhawa and Vivek Ramaswamy. The Wish I was White trio are all running hoping Trump taps them to be VP. Just a bunch of Pick Me Girls every one of them. Polling single digits when there’s literally no one else running. And the sad part is everyone

I wouldn’t vote for him even if he had the cure for what ails me in his hands and was going to give it to me for free.

Fuck serving that family. I wouldn’t have done it. The fact the managers pulled him aside to talk to him about it in advance makes it clear *they* knew shit was going to go down, and decided to do nothing about it.

The way to have Black employes avoid having the same experience Mandy did is for the manager to protect them from it. Mgr. knew before he sent a Black person to the confederate table that it would be problematic & that they would be blatantly racist because that’s who they are/what they do. Hence, the caveat. I wish

Back in 2016, Harris was easily my top pick. I thought she was a great candidate who could appeal to both wings of the party and would not potentially leave us a vote short in the Senate. Being neither old nor white nor a dude (the trifecta!) was also a fantastic plus.

Let’s be honest — Republicans politicians and their billionaire owners want voters to fear *everything*. If they could convince voters to fear breathing, they would. They look for any and every excuse they can find to incite fear, anger, and violence. It’s been their SOP for over a century. Because fearful, angry, and

Just a little perspective from the child of two alcoholics: