
Hershel Walker’s appeal was that he was a black man willing to do what he’s told in service to white supremacy. They don’t care about a quality candidate, they don’t care about all the fuckery they’d make a big stink about if it occurred with a Democratic candidate. All they care about is their nasty agenda and if

It’s not surprising. I live in Georgia, and Georgia is not really a swing state. It’s a Red State that hates Trump. Brian Kemp, the Governor, won in basically a landslide. It speaks to how terrible Walker was as a candidate.

Some of the worst evils are those done in the name of Christ. These are people who, if Christ came back today, would absolutely crucify him as a warning to others for daring to question the establishment.

Bill Maher is your typical problematic, racist white liberal boomer who thinks he isn’t racist because he dates black women and votes blue. What sets him apart is that he inexplicably has a tv show.

Maher has always been a smug asshole who thought he was more enlightened than anyone else. 

Having “less of an advantage” is not a disadvantage

Funny how the people that love to refer to themselves as a “silent majority” are actually a very aggressive, loud, and highly aggrieved-over-nothing minority.

Victim complex is a helluva drug.

The “little Black woman” thing is really illustrative. Either the word “child” didn’t occur to him or it -did- occur to him and he realized on some level that saying it would point out how unfounded his “fear” was.

I don’t think I’ve ever read a sentence that neatly summarizes the white suburban American mindset as this one. Trapped in their own homes, constantly spying on the neighbor next door, always miserable despite having everything going their way. 

regardless of Lawshe’s intentions, the incident was “still racism,” and “this was not a mistake.”

Black folks are like 12% of the population and yet constantly get crapped on for not carrying Democratic candidates. But I mean, we also get crapped on for fifty-leven different things because this country is a motherfucker.

White women voting for Kemp isn’t shocking when you consider they were raised by, fed, clothed and sheltered by White men.

Came here to say basically this. A separate ballot issue gives a lot of these voters the out they need so they can vote the repub they crave while also believing that the pro-forced birth stance that repub has can be somehow mitigated.  

Yeah, I’m very glad for the way Kentucky’s abortion vote went, but the ticket-splitting between an issue and a politician is exactly the problem. Too many people will vote for abortion rights when it’s an issue on the ballot, but they won’t let it be the deciding factor in who they vote for. So they vote favor of

There is no liberal media bias. The media bias is firmly to the right. They are allowed to control the narrative. I did not believe the “red wave” predictions. Anxiety about the economy has always been present and will always be the leading issue in polls whether the GOP or Dems are in power. This was the first time

The fact Rand Paul and abortion won at the same time is everything that’s wrong with this country.

Nah. Covfefe won because this country hates women. And Bernie Bros definitely hate women. So fuck you for enabling his election. We only lost three Supreme Court seats, no big deal, bitches be whining’ amirite?

Bernie couldn’t win 2 primaires, but he would have beat trump. Yup ok. Dude couldn’t go 5 minutes without talking about “working class voters” and trying to wipe away the bigotry from trump voters, but he’s totally a progressive. Just like he was in office for 30 years with not a damn thing to his name in terms of

It may not be indicative of “most men” or even “most Black men” but it is indicative of “a lot of men” and “a lot of Black men”. Considering this is a site that’s geared toward Black people, so, of course, it’s going to speak to Black men specifically. Even if it doesn’t always lead to murder, male fragility is