
This is what I was responding to. Trump did nothing single-handedly. You mentioned some of who/what paved the way (although you forgot mr. “post-truth” Gingrich, and Nixon, of course). Republicans were already utilizing disinformation to a sickening extent. Republicans voted for him. Their politicians made way for him

Fuck the founding fathers. What real “ideals” did they actually have?  They were a bunch of rich men who wanted to pay less taxes, wrapped that in a bunch of ideas stolen from French thinkers, and pretended to love freedom while profiting off enslaved people they owned. Once we can all abandon the fantasy that these

Trump didn’t do anything the republicans weren’t already working on for decades. He was just the head of the pimple.

yes, let me just flee the country that has made it so that I’m “lucky” to work for not-enough-to-afford rent. Get fucked, idiot. If I had the means, of course I’d leave this fascist hellhole.

This country has sucked my entire life, but yes

Someday, when they expand the court, they’re going to have to find a way to revisit every single decision made by the court in  this era.

Just the 50 GQP senators who’d keep it from:

This is the result of decades of “No politics at the dinner table.” Of people who have racist aunts and uncles who come by for Thanksgiving, and they say a bunch of racist shit, and the family refuses to push back on it because they don’t want ‘politics,’ but what they really did was make it clear to those racist

Typical conservative: carve out a little exception for his family and attack everyone else who is similarly situated.

She also has a womb, but it didn’t stop her from telling others what they couldn’t or couldn’t do with their own wombs, did it?

As is always the case, he thinks that because he’s ‘one of them’, they won’t go after him, even though they always end up doing exactly that.

For those who think appealing adult sexual intimacy laws don’t affect them, they do. These laws include martial rape, intimacy consent laws of the disabled, even child marriage with parental consent.

Loving may get thrown in there as well. As another commenter notes, he doesn’t think the leopards will eat his face.

I think there’s two major problems with that premise:

And she’s married to a white man. Just because she adopted two Black children doesn't mean she's incapable of racism. 

It is ludicrous that he could believe he can somehow get his fellow conservative justices to back him on overturning same-sex marriage and birth control, but not interracial marriage. I mean, has he MET Amy Barrett? That white conservative christian woman is exactly the type of person to decide that Loving v Virginia

Thomas is just saying out loud (or, well, in writing) what the rest of the SCOTUS right wing is thinking. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to hear that he actually checked in with them and organized the opinions so that they could claim to have only addressed the case at hand while Thomas sends a message (on behalf of

You’re leaving out all the genocide he committed. Also how his holiday was created by FDR in 1934 as a cynical move to court Italian-American voters, who were barely considered white by the definitions of the era.

That sign next to the flag is peak America.