
other than being right on the insurrection/big lie, liz cheney is not reliably on the right side of any issue. she most certainly will not use a quote from clarence thomas that emphasizes his hypocrisy on abortion since she has always voted with the pro-forced-birthers. it’s sad that opposing the big lie is somehow

The guardrails of democracy that we have place such unfounded faith are about as strong as tissue paper because there are no real, enforced penalties for testing them. Any force put upon them stronger than a gentle breeze causes them to fray. They’ll fail a the worst time in the near future. Republicans are relying on

Because the people with the power to hold them accountable do not care.

THIS is the conversation I wish people were having instead of writing Heard off as a liar. Sometimes abuse is as simple as one person abuses another person. But sometimes it’s complex, where 2 people abuse each other and it could be because they are 2 shitty abusive people or it could be because one partner started

Even though he was a drug addict and alcoholic who was fed drugs and alcohol by his management team, friends, and previous lovers prior to meeting Amber, all of it is lain at Amber’s feet. Not fucking fair. 

His career was already in the shitter due to his alcohol & drug abuse, chronic lateness, refusal to learn his lines (necessitating him being fed them through a headset), & assaulting a crew member on one of his sets. But go off I guess.

Johnny ruined his own career by being a drunken mess.

Except there isn’t strong evidence she lied in her op-ed - the issue at hand. What we have here is just demonstration that a jury of lay people will reliably buy into misogynist narratives about conniving women and imperfect victims.

I mean I wish this was true. That this was “a small subset of dweebs in their basement” but literally the richest man in the world was decrying “wokeness” this weekend and hating diversity is pretty much the entire political philosophy of one of America’s two political parties. This is a huge issue.

They probably won’t. I think part of the appeal Chris Rock has to those people is his willingness to disrespect other Black people for laughs in front of white people.

The documentary was called Good Hair.
And raging towards me like this means I just challenged your principals which made you uncomfortable.
That’s a brittle spirit.

While you were deep looking into those jokes, were you also looking into the Chris Rock documentary about him saying: RESPECT BLACK WOMEN’S HAIR?
Just curious...

Will Smith reminded the Academy he was Black. Hence the overly harsh sentencing. 10 years, no parole. :/

And don’t forget both John Wayne and Clint Eastwood were trying to bumrush the stage, when Sacheen Littlefeather had gone up to the stage for Marlon Brando, when he won the Oscar. 

1. 1977-’78 - Roman Polanski drugged and sodomized a child, then fled the country.

Ok, tell us outside Europe where systemic white supremacy, bigotry and subjugation didn’t play the major role in positioning whites places in that non white country and societies power structure? I’ll wait....

I think this is definitely a cultural thing. AOC just has the unfortunate job combination of being a leftist WOC in this country so it’s amplified all the more.

I don’t doubt that the conservative hate of AOC is because she’s getting under their skin and they can’t date or fuck her into submission.

The Queen is an unelected monarch whose wealth and power are direct results of colonialism, the slave trade, racism, theft, and corruption. Because of that she and her heirs will never be “relatable” no matter how many photo ops the plebs get. Getting rid of the Queen and her leech of a family is a bureaucratic mess

this loudly signals that “being afraid” is sufficient rationale to use deadly force