
You know the defense attorney is desperate when he’s YELLING the quiet parts. 

Black was the important part of that sentence. I mean this is basically the defense. Black people are intimidating so grab your gun Cletus. People are shocked (shocked!) but I don’t know why. The defense they’re going with is literally Black people are dangerous and here’s a SLAVE PATROL LAW that says we can kill them

The same Judge who watched the defense strike every black juror and responded with

What I got from this article:

The most dangerous place for a black person to exist is within the imagination of white folks - D.L. Hughley 

As someone wiser and quicker on Twitter has noted, if Univ of Austin gets off the ground it will have huge upsides... to all other colleges. It will siphon off some of the most insufferable dipshits to one place. We should be thanking Bari for her service. She’s made Parler for high ed. 

People on the right would try to dismiss the conduct of the former D.A. Jackie Johnson (and the officers and lawyers who shielded these three killers) as a one bad apple situation - as though this is not evidence of a problem with systemic racism. As Woke Up Dead noted, this case would never have been pursued if one

Let’s pour one out for not only Peter, but the wonderful Wendy Jo Sperber, who died way too soon from breast cancer. in 2005 at the age of 47.

This makes me feel both old and sad. I always enjoyed watching Peter on Bosom Buddies. That whole cast was great, but he was funny, charismatic, and just threw himself into the ridiculous premise - somehow he and Tom Hanks made it work. He was also very good on Newhart, in what could have been a one-note part - he and

Condoleezza* Rice, Ph.D, professor, diplomat, etc., conveniently leaves out that she was born into some privilege (though that’s never been enough to completely shield Black folks). She further ignores that being born in 1954 meant she benefited from the arduous, unabated labor of African-Americans of all

Condoleezza Rice is one delusional, disingenuous, twisted Bitch! I was also born and raised in “Bombingham, Alabama” during the Civil Rights Era near the community where she grew up. I remember meeting Carol Denise McNair’s parents. Mrs. McNair showed me one of the little black patent-leather shoes they recovered

What’s that phrase Republicans like to use constantly? Oh yeah, “fuck your feelings.” Schools exist to teach things to kids, not to shelter their feelings from facts. If the history of racism makes white kids feel bad, or the history of sexism makes the boys feel bad, or the history of various sexual phobias makes the

I’m convinced that white people just want to be babied. This is why they are the loudest anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, and why they cry to the authorities when they start and subsequently lose a fight with a minority. They want to simultaneously be in charge of everything, but also have the responsibility of a toddler.

RIP, yet another face from my youth. I’m starting to think that the worst thing about getting old is watching everyone and everything you enjoyed die.

It was basically a modernized version of ‘Some Like it Hot’ and yes, it was quite funny.

Really loved him in Newhart, this news makes me sad.

No idea if this is completely, partially or not at all correct, but seems like he was a really nice guy and seems that he was very well liked by his costars.

There is no amount of monies that they could pay. The family should ask for any profits be transferred into a trust fund for the family for the next 100 years. And still that wouldn’t be enough for this genetic rape. Sick greedy bastards.