
“When you’re used to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”

One point of disagreement.

I believe it’s Econ 203: Fuck You, Got Mine

What class is Sinema teaching?

It’s very important that when we protest the actions of the wealthy elite ruling class that we do it in a way in which they always feel safe, secure, and comfy. Can’t have them shaken up or slightly inconvenienced in any way, that would be gauche.

If Bradley Cooper responded the same way she wouldn’t have been “shaken” that’s just how it is when you’re black. They respond differently to us. It’s the same reason white cops perceive us as a threat but white people doing the same thing are not. And let me be clear, do I think Katie Couric is a racist? No, I do

It’s fairly common for White women married to Black men to feel overly comfortable disrespecting other Black folk, especially when they’re convinced that this marriage is “proof” that they’re not racist. (And if said Black husbands/boyfriends are themselves antiBlack, they’re not going to call out bad behavior because

That’s the problem with a political side that has a conscience.

The Republicans don’t have any fucking principles. No guiding decency. Trump is the antithesis of almost every ideal they’ve claimed to believe in for at least fifty years, but they don’t care because it’s all power. Power is the only thing that matters.

Clarence Thomas is one of the worst recent justices replacing one of the best ever justices when Thurgood Marshall died. In Republican logic (George H.W. Bush), black judges are equivalent, so here we have dip-shit McIdiot sitting on the court married to the queen of Karens.

Their problem is they’re not willing to stop clinging to power, even if it means putting the entire country at risk. Ginsburg wouldn’t do it. Dianne Feinstein won’t do it. Breyer won’t do it. Patrick Leahy won’t do it.

Breyer’s gonna pull a fucking Ginsburg and refuse to retire when he has the chance and wind up dying just in time for a Republican President and Senate to make the court 7-2 and he’ll have spent his whole life telling us how it’s not political.

The Roberts Court is dead, this is firmly Clarence Thomas’ court now.

You’re going to jeopardize any faith in the legal institutions.”

People can say all manner of shit about Rev. Jackson but his overall body of work on economic justice, voting rights, multi-cultural coalition building and civil rights in general far outshine any barbs thrown his way. It is the efforts to unite people for the greater good that drew MSM to cast aspersions on not just

These miserable witches are just going to keep doing this even if they get their ass beat, have to pay fines or go to jail because they feel entitled to dominance over Black bodies, control over public spaces and see themselves as “The Mistress”. I hope that no Karen hits a child in my presence or runs all up in my

Honestly, this for any of the red, rural counties that are currently lighting up the COVID case rate map like a gaudy Christmas lawn. You have nurses and doctors getting spit on by these dumbfucks while they’re struggling to take breaths in a medical environment they probably voluntarily went to, and anyone thinks

Also, they both lack any moral center and will say or do anything, regardless of the purpose or outcome, to keep the attention focused on themselves.

Because the rich are above the law, and this country has an unyielding adoration of naked white supremacy. The fact that the White Supremacist Party - erm, I mean, the Republican Party - has enough presence in every level of government forces us to treat their position as equivalent and valid (even though it isn’t by

Yeah, Sinema’s a piece of shit.

“Meghan and I have a lot in common,” Sinema said. “We’re both from Arizona, we love cacti... I think we’re both tough as nails, and we’re both fiercely independent.”