
Just wondering how he got to that party? Who invited him and did they know? Did birthday girl know he was coming and if so, why didn’t she tell him that her father is a raving lunatic Klansman? It already sounds like there was collusion to protect the son of the confederacy.

Ok, I must be missing something because how did Hostess miss the list? It’s one of the brands from the 80's that is blatantly different now.

He’s a much better “Do-Right” character in Blast From The Past.

I thought one of the better moments in the sequel (which I like more than most people do) was at the very end, where O’Connell and the mummy are hanging on to a ledge for dear life, and Evie comes sprinting in to save O’Connell, while the mummy’s resurrected girlfriend thinks for a moment and then runs away. The mummy

There’s this scene near the end of The Mummy where the they’re in the middle of the final confrontation with the bad guy, and he has Evie chained to a slab in preparation for the big sacrifice so he can bring his dead girlfriend back to life (that old chestnut), and O’Connell has to fight through a bunch of zombies to

“Before we go any further, let’s talk about that last quote. TF does Garnett mean by ‘This is not the Bronx?’”

It means most White people in Staten Island believe they live in New Jersey. Specifically Southern New Jersey which still believes it is part of the Confederacy. Since the 60's, SI has been the ivory tower of

Because whiteness and and being a “real American” are supposedly one and the same, one of the most foundational precepts of institutional white supremacy is that it’s dehumanizing crimes against POC must perpetually remain invisible to as many white people as possible, for absolutely as long as possible. For the

The senate is currently split 50/50 and the 50 democratic senators represent somewhere around 48 million more people than the 50 republicans, you can do the google but that’s more people than live in the Netherlands and Australia combined. The generational damage in this country isn’t done by a temporary clown like

One of the benefits of originalism. The people whose will you’re upholding have been dead for 200 years, so you can divine their wishes as you wish. It’s all a little Joseph Smith.


Inconvenient to some doesn’t mean access is unequal? Are you fucking kidding me? That’s exactly what it means! Holy shit! Why don’t you just come out and endorse actual apartheid laws, too, you motherfuckers! C’mon Alito...explain to us how Jim Crow really wasn’t so bad. When the fucking Supreme Court will not defend

They’re only worried about election security in the (imaginary) situations where election insecurity benefits Democrats.

The Windsoring of William is well on it’s way but he had further to fall. He was rather cute as a child and grow up to be a handsome young man. But the clouds of those Windsor genes started blowing in when he went into his 30's and he’s gargoyling up at a clip. Harry was a rather unfortunate looking child he grew up

Whatever else, Harry’s appearance was revenge by hotness. Dude looked healthy, handsome, and relaxed; moreover, he didn’t put a foot wrong. He attended the WellChild event, of which he’s still an active patron, and clearly the families adored him. At the statue unveiling he was smiling and at ease, whereas William

Sometime in the 2040s, America will switch from majority-white to an ethnic plurality. Americans under 18 are already there.

She beat nobody, shot nobody, committed no fraud or theft, didn’t promote racism, ableism, homophobism, didn’t try to steal votes or throw poor families off of support or cage children while deporting their parents...she just didn’t read directions on a spray can then asked for help on a public forum she frequents. I

She needs the positive affirmation. There are lots of people who deserve an internet ass-kicking, but she wasn’t one of them.

Love her new crop of hair. It looks great! I have been wondering how she is doing and hoping that she is emotionally well. Glad she recognizes that there are trippy trolly ass people who live to attack folks (and especially Black women) from the anonymity of their crusty dirty keyboards because it’s the only way they

hooray! she looks great and I am super happy that her hair is growing back so healthy!