You People Are All The Same

Maybe they don’t like hanging around ghetto trash.

Spoken like the guy that didn’t get a bid.

Keep making my point for me.

I wish I knew what school you went to when they taught that the best way to get your point across was to entirely avoid substantive issues and insult the other party.


A black woman attacking people and actually facing repercussions?!

“Ouchtown, population: you, bro!”

It’d bring me catharsis.

Dumb take. You only have to read it once to realize it’s dumb.

You don’t think women who intentionally retard their own child’s development in the womb should be prosecuted (or held responsible in any way, it seems). Right, gotcha, real logical.

The amount of people impregnated by violent rape are in the .01 percentile and difficult to prosecute. Minors that are impregnated by rape are infinitely easier to prosecute because you know the aggrieved party can’t consent regardless.

Strange, I don’t feel sad.

No. A hundred times no. The guardians can either give up the name of the person who raped their daughter, or you get nothing. If the guardians refuse, then they can deal with the repercussions.

Holy shit, who told you that? What kind of bottom of the barrel college did you attend?

Go ahead and ask a Jew what they think of abortion. Or a muslim. I’ll wait.

Ah yes, the breed of female that will die with their cats. Destinus To Die Alonus.

Say no more, these shit heels deserve it. This commentariat is 75% male feminists who think by simping a girl will sleep with them (they never do) and 25% very angry unattractive women demanding men sleep with them.

Okay, and you’re a pedophile. Tell me which is worse.

I understand your argument, and while it is sound...I think the clearer way to explain it would be “America’s founders were Christian, thus our base laws were built from Christian/10 Commandments ideas.” I mean, our entire basis of law was ripped straight from English Common Law.

Most democrats also aren’t rocket scientists, bro..In fact statistically they’re more likely to have mental illness..