You People Are All The Same

Florida was below NY in covid deaths, which is pretty wild considering FL’s elderly population.

Because if they were willing to speak to the authorities, they could’ve gotten an abortion in their state.

Yeah, except for the whole part where Planned Parenthood doctors were caught on camera telling people to lie on their forms about their age. Video don’t lie!


Oh I don’t know, it’s a horrific fucking crime that needs to be investigated and the offenders prosecuted?

Andddddd this will be overturned on appeal because the judge a) couldn’t even control her courtroom, and b) was clearly biased.

No he didn’t, and there was never any evidence to prove that.

He never slandered them, so freedom of speech applies.

Yeah, we should totally give minors abortions without asking the obvious question of “How was this minor impregnated?”

What you meant to say was “two child incest victims’ guardians didn’t want to answer any uncomfortable questions or deal with the authorities, so they had to travel across multiple states to get a no-questions-asked abortion on a minor.

Ten seconds. Literally ten seconds to find that info.

Or she just doesn’t want a man in the bathroom with her. You and your tranny friends could try using the correct bathroom for your sex.

“ableism” isn’t a thing, and every time someone says it an angel dies.

It’s probably because he can’t form a fucking sentence.

Just do a quick linked in search of the bloggers. They all either went to community college and majored in complete bullshit, or near-ivy league schools and majored in..complete bullshit.

It’s funny that they cry about the Nazi car, a fucking museum piece, when the real Nazis don’t wear flags - they wear Donkey pins.

That’s not how the fucking job is supposed to work. He’s supposed to represent his constituents, not the Democratic Party.

You sound like a healthy, well adjusted person.

Pepper Piggy is what I call a pork chop if I over-season it.

The next article will be about how soccer, basketball, and baseball are all signs of toxic masculinity because they’re shaped like testicles.