
Would be cool if Negan kills a few more minor characters, like Eugene or that gay guy whose name I forget, just to prove a point about how they need to be producing more for him.

Hell, a cure could even be part of a season finale, because it would be slow-moving (no more zombie spread, but the existing zombies would still have to be killed), but society getting back to normal would also take forever.

Negan's right hand man is a robot!

Rick, Carl, Daryl, and Carol (and I guess Morgan) are the only characters left from the first season and it would be interesting if they all died at some point in the series and you had this group of people who weren't the people the show started out with, but that would require some charismatic individuals to show up.

When this show does eventually end, I'd like to have a few episodes where the zombie thing has been cured and it's society trying to get back to normal. Even with the zombie menace, it seems like there would still be evil factions trying to keep power.

I thought they only did the one member bludgeoning because the group stepped out of line. If you shut up and produce, you probably escape his wrath.

Seems like Daryl is gonna get the Jesse Pinkman treatment. They will probably throw him out of a van and make him fetch supplies from a zombie-infested area, shit like that.

Much more fucked-up than Abraham, especially since he kinda took it like a man.

The only part of the marathon I watched was the last 5 minutes of last season, so I had completely forgotten where Carol and Morgan were. Or Judith, but nobody cares about that shithead baby.

I'm sticking around for the tiger.

Adam Scott

That was fucked up when Negan killed Bart.

You might have more than one soulmate or something, or else that's how it works, where you and your soulmate are destined to die at the same exact time.

I've gotten used to it. In this episode, I was like "They aren't really ending this was Tahani being lauded, are they?"

Defending Your Life was more realistic in that it was mostly old people.

I think the show is setting up for Chidi and Tahini (hinted at last week), Jason being with Janet perhaps, and then Eleanor possibly ending up with a character down the line, most likely the actor just announced to be joining the cast.

I still like Jason, just because his mumbly voice is so funny. It's so rare to have a character who just mumbles all his dialogue.

Great Twitter, but I haven't visited it in quite awhile. She had a book a few years ago, so her classic tweets were kinda buried in self-promotion.

I feel like the certain actor who is joining the cast will kinda be upper management.

I kinda got a "The Prisoner" vibe from it for some reason.