
I would probably rather listen to it again than "Even Worse", which has "Lasagna" and also what I think was a Beastie Boys pastiche on "Twister".

I always thought TMBG sounded the most like REM on "Twisting".

I think that song is kind of the rake effect, because the chorus is cute and clever, but then the song gets old, but then it gets so detailed in the business of pants that it becomes funny again.

We can hang out.

The parody songs annoy me the most on that one. "Ricky" and "My Bologna" are kinda lame. "Buckingham Blues" is also very forgettable.

I also like "Gonna Buy Me a Condo" just for the jacuzzi joke.

They count when Mark Mothersbaugh is like "Best Devo song ever."

"Those Were The Good Old Days", man. That's some dark shit.

I always thought there was an underrated genius in porting the Brady Bunch over to "The Safety Dance".

Yes, my favorites are "Happy Birthday" (not sure what the style is), "Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota" (I only learned a few years ago that it was based off of Harry Chapin's "30,000 Pounds of Bananas", which kicks ass), "Mr. Popeil", "Dare to Be Stupid", and "Dog Eat Dog". I'm trying to figure out what "Nature

I thought LP was based on the videotape you bought.

Terrible name. I only kinda like watching YouTube, and only game shows for the most part, which limits it to over-the-counter remedies and cleaning products.

No, but I used to just hit record in EP and see what I grabbed the next day. I was in pubescence, if you catch my drift. It was like a crawdaddy cage.

This election will be hilarious once it's all over.

If nobody saw it, does it exist?

He's not homosexual, but…

I was thinking how funny it would be for the Cubs to go into the 8th inning with a 3-0 lead.

I'm rooting for the Cubs this year. It's time.

I had a shit-ton of blank tapes and in college, I would tape movies off the TV and make logical pairings with my tapes. For example, the first 2 Godfathers were on 1 top. On another tape was The Conversation and then Tucker when it was on a few months later. Or Shaft and Superfly.

I have some cassettes I won't get rid of because they have spoken word comedy sketches done by me (that are embarrassing now) and samples to music I'll never make, but they still play. They still hold up, as long as they're kept in the darkness of a closet.