
ELP (EP) was shit, but I convinced myself it was worth it.

The only cool thing about VHS was the ability to just tape a channel for 8 hours.

Not to be confused with John Milch's Hobo Ken From Hoboken

You sound like a stuck-up bleep!

Okay, looks like Steve Jobs, Christian Bale, and Matthew McConaughey had a baby.

Or his adaptation of Ron Howard's Gung Ho called A Toyota’s a Toyota.

Aronofsky looks like Steve Jobs and Christian Bale had a baby.

That's okay, the conversation sketch is just so limp when it gets going.

It was neither creepy nor kooky enough for HBO.

Seems like every 3 months I'm hearing about a new strong Kristen Stewart performance, so she seems to be doing okay, even if it's not mainstream Hollywood.

Isn't she in a movie with Eisenberg where they play stoners?

She's fine. I think the worst thing that ever happened was her affair with the Snow White director, and that was just because most people sided with Robert Pattinson.

I watched Personal Shopper and I found everything I was looking for. It was so good that I needed help out to my car.

Meaning of Life was on the other night. I realized that the entire "Fighting Each Other" segment goes on way too long and really kills the momentum of the movie.


Something something Stingray Donovan…

Also, it's what Gordon Sumner calls his thrush of old pubes.

Too soon.

My condolences to his surviving children, Brett and Jillian.

Quid pro quo.