
It will be interesting because the cool guy and his douchebag brother-in-law are only there for 2 weeks, so unless they die, they will go away. I could see cool guy having some unresolved shit and returning in a future season, though.

Yeah, it just reminds me of the fun parts of RDR, even though I kinda rushed through the end to get to the ending, which I never got to, because it had more quests after the first ending.

I don't know why, but I felt like Teddy's female bounty hunter friend went with that prostitute just because I think that would be quite fun for a female to be with a robot specifically built for one's pleasure.

I think Ford has already been aware about Arnold's influence and he's trying to re-program everything so the robots start to believe that those who claim to hear God are regarded as lunatics.

Remember that this takes place in the future, so perhaps 40K is not what it used to be.

I just think MIB is a guest who has done everything in the park and he wants to go off on a non-scripted tangent.

I feel like they took his face from one of his older movies, because he seems to have that look on his face in every movie that's not Silence of the Lambs.

Probably the same tech as Jeff Bridges in TRON: Legacy and RDJ in Civil War.

That Buffalo Coat Pimp was cool. Didn't McCabe and Mrs. Miller have some giant assassin guy?

Mrs. Ganews is probably right, but I just thought it was like Robocop and the prime directive, where you can't kill a human, so you must destroy yourself instead.

With the Red Dead Redemption thing over the weekend, this episode really made me want to play the new game, even though it'll probably be a year out.

No, she's dating her lamp.


Robin Wright as Nancy Reagan pulling some Claire Underwood shit or GTFO.

I have no idea what Aleppo is.

Yeah, but for the average voter, her stance on Wall Street is so boring compared to a juicy sex scandal and Trump continuing to pour gasoline onto the dumpster fire. And now he's going full-on conspiracy theory whacko.

@NCGOP is blowing up this morning

"Gentlemen, we can't masturbate in here. This is the fuck room!"