
And the 3rd hole of the Penmar Golf Course President's wife is open for business.

He's a doctor, he knows what he's doing.

Enough so it took him half an hour to realize they were operating on the wrong leg.

"The shitter's full, but I installed new tile."

He was standing on Tim Roth's neck!

I remember in the Bible when God tested Abrams to sacrifice Isaac.

I'll tell him I'm a prince that needs money to release more money.

I'm adding Foodles CEO to my LinkedIn…. who's gonna check?

That's cold, Play.

They made a pita bread tourniquet.

Carrie Fisher carries no bounty, as osteroporosis will finish the job.

The catering company thought they could make some extra money by manufacturing hydraulic prop doors.

SOLO stands for "Sue Often, Litigate Often"

It's weird to think that they were just gonna have Poe Dameron die when he did.

And you can only imagine what the hospital bill was for un-breaking it.

This sucks. Everything sucks.

That's the number 1 answer!