
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I only have two for you, jack.

So, I feel like Nicolas Cage can still do something great, he just needs to stop playing the unhinged thing. He's really good at comedy, he just seems to be doing a Bruce Dern thing right now.

Make him understand
The world on you depends, our life will never end
Gotta love your man, yeah

When I was in high school and losing weight, I was trying to make myself a Kirk Douglas chin butt for some reason. Like, I would hold my chin together during my idle time.

Meanwhile, Apollo will return for a revived Showtime at the Steve Harvey.

Although, please listen to Paul F. Tompkins rant on his IMDB bio, which I will always associate with him. The bio is still up on IMDB:…

That goddamn "Black Hole Sun" took me out of it because I do have an ear for tunes, but completely wasn't expecting fucking Soundgarden.

I enjoyed that scene because RDJ and Tomei were in Only You.

It's the kind of thing that made it transcend the 90210 parody, which would have dated it. I feel like that's part of the lasting power of Mr. Show. There are definitely references, which add to the jokes, but they're all rough sketches of parodies.

C'mon guys, you're gonna give her chin an eating disorder.

This is locker room talk.

You mean, masturbate?

IFC was all about "The Ben Stiller" show about 7 years ago, for about 6 months.

That was the most HBO thing about the pilot.

Is that a pun about jeans?

I'm hoping that this show will finally allow me to recognize Evan Rachel Wood. I've seen her in a bunch of stuff, but her face is so forgettable. Not that she's not pretty, I'm just face-blind on her or something. I think there's an actress that I confuse her with, that might be my problem.

She's an evil hag.

"Al Roker situation" is a universal term used by plumbers.

No, but ever since TBS got Big Bang reruns, it seems like the minor cast members are an Al Roker situation.