
I expect this to be in Fahey’s hands by the end of the week!

It’s the date i transform from “Onlywatch” to “Overwatch” XD

The main reason it’s so barren is because the game is terribly, terribly mundane. All but the most hardcore gamers still play. I grinded for countless hours to earn 80 million, doing the least boring thing; bounty hunting. And that is so boring I fell asleep at least a dozen times doing it.

It’s VERY barren, unless you play with a group or PVP in a designated area. You’ll run into the occasional PVE bandit trying to kill you. If you want to just PVP, you can just buy the Arena module for $7.50.

That’s awesome, but the most I’ve ever seen is 2 other player ships in one area.

Marshall’s are pretty crunchy. I am not sure of the style that you are playing. I used to own an MG halfstack, I hated it after a while. Sound is to bright. I recently switched over to a Fender Mustang amp. I use the III. It is relatively inexpensive and can produce great sound. The customization is amazing. I am not

Marshall’s are pretty crunchy. I am not sure of the style that you are playing. I used to own an MG halfstack, I

They tend to be very short. The BttF ones seem to be for about 2 months (the cinema today link Brian included). They all end around Dec 6th.

I love you for posting that.

Did someone say supernatural ?

Oct. 20...The day the feels attacked

I pre-ordered one 6 months ago and completely forgot about it since it kept getting pushed back from the April release window. It was a very nice surprise when she came in the mail. Still struggling with the choice of opening the box. Wish I was wealthy enough to get one more! >.< Also, that Cordelia Statue~~

Same with chrome and sumia and ditto for my character and Cordelia it set me up with 2 pairs of super sisters who inherited galeforce from their mothers and when paired up basically won the later maps for me on their own


Same. There were certain pairings that seemed just too fun to pass up. (And I had my avatar marry Lissa. Cute, and makes me literally brothers with Chrom.) (and funny too, my kind of girl.)

But let’s be honest it’s biggest appeal is fanservice just like HotS

Moms are also trainable like birds. I’ve played some video game music on the piano long enough that sometimes she’ll just start humming Song of Storms or (Geno’s) Forest Maze out of nowhere, lol.

What’s worse, stepping on a Lego, or stepping on a Zergling?

Haha, yeah, I have a couple of cockatiels and they don’t seem very inclined to learn entire songs from my whistling either. They do rather like it though.

I thought this was much better.