Just practice. I played fighting games when I was young, but it was just button mashing. When MK9 rolled around, I tried to get good enough to just hold my own against an average online player. I practiced in training mode for hours a day just trying to string together combos and to get timings down. I still got rekt.…
I only knew about it because of some absurd discount going on last year. Managed to snag Wildlands for like $12 early on.
It hasn’t even been confirmed he was attached to Astral Chain. The game just got announced and his name wasn’t in the trailer.
Any Younha is good Younha! I hope she’s more active in 2018.
Let’s not forget Magikarp.
*cough* Just going to leave this here.
Sounds good. I’ll probably end up picking it up during a sale. Too many games on my backlog. Just tell me this...is there a sniper mech?
This has been on my radar for awhile. Anyone know if I would like this if I grew up on Front Mission games?
Replying late and you’ve probably already come across this in your forum scrounging, but Hot Toys recently released pre-order details on the Infinity War Captain America figure and he will be coming with an “exclusive mystery weapon” to be revealed after the film’s release for spoilers. My guess was its what he uses…
They added an orbiter segment you can build to help maintain your Kavat/Kubrow. One of the perks is if you forget to maintain your pet to the point it dies, right before it actually does, Ordis will put it into stasis.
Yeah, think they still sell overpriced crafting materials for plat too.
Here’s one of my favorites.
Its also pretty good live! (If you can get past the screaming fan girls.)
How about the Younha version of Gee?
Thanks for the critique. I was kind of mostly just smashing parts together at 3 AM to be honest. Yee, it is gaming focused and I’ve mostly been waiting around for the next generation of Nvidia, but my current rig is starting to chug pretty hard which is why I put together this build with the option of swapping the 980…
Thanks for documenting the process. Just as nervous as you are. I’m actually in the process of picking out my own build atm. Here’s my pending random 3 AM build with some parts I was thinking of gutting from other computer.
Its kind of what betas do. Glorified demos that just give you a taste. Did you try to fight the Rathalos/Diablos that were out and about? Most veterans have fought them over and over, so its nothing new, but interesting to have tried them out with the new mechanics. They offer an increase in difficulty from the three…