
Thanks for your reply, I'll try to give it another shot. If you see my reply to nightraptor23 in this same thread, you'll see why I quit. Though I'm open to seeing how it's changed.

My concerns are what happens to my 2-4 million or so credits while I was subscribing with the preferred account 350k credit cap. I'll

Just to get some perspective on it, how is SWTOR in your own experiences? I can't really find anyone I know that plays it so I'm just wondering what's changed. I left about a month after EC came out.

People still moan and complain about there not being a group finder in GW2. I saw it in overflow, Lion's Arch chat, the forums, and reddit over and over and over for the first month or so until someone from the community designed gw2lfg. Today, I still occasionally see complaints about it. I don't mind it myself, I'm

I wouldn't mind joining if you're still gathering players. Steam ID is YounhaMusic.

I understand that, it's the micro vs macro management. And the high skill bar/difficulty mechanics for entry reflecting upon the amount of competition can be seen amongst various other video games and hobbies. The technique and mechanical skill required will only get you so far in general, it's where the player comes

There is strategy that goes on. These players have just gotten to the point where they've played the map/race/enemy race enough to have it down to a science. Some actions are pre-defined because they're usually the safest bet to winning the match or have a high yield/reward. They know exactly what their opponent can

Yea, I imagine it is. My friends got me sucked in so I occasionally play with them. The multiplayer is pretty botched imo. We tried a giant 4v4 game only to get to the modern age with units taking a whole minute to move each. I don't know what was up with that lag, but standard maps seem fine. There was a couple other

Look at the team outlines, my friend's city got warped all the way across the map RIGHT next to my other friend's city the first turn. She lost her workers and her warriors. However, the warriors popped two turns later for some reason 20 tiles north. She also has no borders to expand on.

That's pretty bad, but this might be worse.

I feel you. I'm right up there with you, can't even do the basic combos on the move list screen. I'm working on MK9 right now though. I'm seeing progress as I practice, but it's pretty minimal amounts. Hopefully, I'll be able to pull things off like this one day.

I didn't realize how bad it was until I tracked the threads on the forums. His responses just make me *facepalmintodesk*. I agree with their decisions though, had to let her go.

No Juju =/

Still looking forward to picking this up though.

It's a sad day for Street Pass. Oh well, I suppose it'll come sooner or later.

Oh nice, should be interesting. Is this the update that is going to overhaul the range, so to speak, of the street pass capability as well?

Type /played, it'll show you how many hours you have on your account and how many on the specific character you have logged in. I think I was up to over a 1000 last I checked before I quit last ~May. 1600 or so on GW2 scares me.

You should find a guild that suits your tastes, either small or big, it helps immensely. The majority of players have leveled past the lower level zones, so they're out and about roaming. The only time players would go back to level ~30 zones is guild missions, events, or map completion.

It's not meant to be played like that. Positioning, timing, preparation, and patience are key to successful hunting. The Monster Hunter road to god mode isn't lock on to infinite combo away without expecting to get punished severely by an enraged monster. This example shows what can happen once you master positioning

Now playing

Well, not every game is for everyone. If the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it. If it makes you feel better, I believe the demo is meant to be a lot harder than it actually is for the gear equipment you're bound to use. It starts off easier in the actual game, rather than having to fight a Plesioth off the get go.

Yea, specifically for PSP, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite or 2G for Japan. It mostly thrives on the handhelds in Japan. Monster Hunter is a niche thing here in the states, but in Japan, it's like WoW to everyone. My friend has told me he's seen middle aged business ladies playing Monster Hunter on the bullet train.