
Same shit happened in SWTOR. Kill trading, then Bioware changed the objectives. Then spawn camping. Two weeks later or so, Kill trading...again. A month or two after that, entire removal of world PvP besides some cheesy two week event they hosted on Tatooine afterwards.

BC2's ~90% of building destruction was fun at first, but quickly got dull. I don't know what servers you played on, but the ones I was on, buildings were getting cleared out at the fighting hotspots in minutes. With the popular 1000 ticket+ servers, most of the blocks of the map was leveled in 20 minutes if there was

My laptop has some sort of an ATI/AMD mix and I've never ever had advertising other than the sticker, but that's just letting you know what's inside. I took off all three stickers the day I bought it. My desktop has a NVIDIA 560 TI, I set it so it automatically updates for new drivers, and I manually seek beta drivers

Quite a bind you're in. You could try ignoring/squelching every player you come across, my friend does that in all online PvP matches. He only says gl hf and gg wp at the end with nothing in between. But I understand the time consumption, hardly any time for anything.

I've never played a ladder 1v1, but watched friends play in Diamond/Masters and I agree with RonNation. The times I've seen them play, there was a lot of "gl hf" and "gg wp". I didn't even know what wp meant until I googled it. But yea, I know what you mean, tons of that talk all around.

Wouldn't it be 9.8 m/s/s?

Whaaaaat...this game looks crazy. I'll keep tabs on it, I hope it's on PC. If not, I might even consider getting a PS3 for it and The Last of US. And I believe your bet, just wish I saw it before I subbed. Unsubbing from SWTOR soon anyhow.

Agreed. Monster Hunter has a fan base in the west, but it's nowhere near as popular in Japan. My friend says he sees middle aged women playing MH P 3rd on the bullet train. While I would like a localization or just another NA release of one, it just isn't looking likely.

i7 2600k 3.4 ghz

Fans have been constantly asking for localizations of many of their games since Portable 3rd on their forums. It usually leads to a response by the same guy explaining the process of going about it and why it might be difficult. Something along the lines of a be patient, stay tuned, and due to things like getting

I hear you. Ever since I got hooked on MHFU, I've been waiting. I even bought the MHP 3rd with my friends, even though my Japanese is rough...and it is addicting. If there's ever a NA port of MHP 3rd HD, I'm dropping money for a PS3.

Promoting airsoft and safety for the epic win. *additional fist bump*

Now playing

I disliked them first as well, I also died a lot, but playing with friends is pretty awesome in Monster Hunter. It's a steep learning curve, but it gets pretty neat when you get into it. Then you start pulling off level 3 great sword charges on an angry Tigrex as he rushes you from across the map.

I was skeptic at first as well with the punky, edgy look, disliking the entire new direction of the series from the release of the first trailer. Then I looked up some of the more recent trailers and awed in amazement at the new gameplay. I'd say just give it a chance, granted familiar things have changed, but it

Now playing

It's the same with real sports, if you have zero familiarity with what's going on, you're not going to catch on or understand if you have no prior obligation. It's a matter of preference imo, you watch the pros in the sports you like.

Here's hoping for a Monster Hunter character if they manage to pull in some third party stuff.