Came here to say that, thanks. Lisa Simpson “cleaning up the mess of the Trump administration” is one thing, but ‘wouldn’t it be cool if we reenacted this scene’ is not.
Came here to say that, thanks. Lisa Simpson “cleaning up the mess of the Trump administration” is one thing, but ‘wouldn’t it be cool if we reenacted this scene’ is not.
I think they do a subtle call out of it in the first teaser which opens with “Hi Barbie!” “Hi Ken!” which is also how the song opens.
When the fuck are assemblies going to stop making headlines? There’s nothing remotely unusual or worth commenting on, no secret trove of hours of unused scenes, these things often include the fucking slates!
You'd think Drake would be mindful of bullying after what happened to him in high school. I mean, yeah, it was totally Spinner's fault, but shit.
BUhhhh why do you use “they” to refer to a singular person! I’m so confused! I can’t figure out a single thing in this article! Is it even in English?!
I can’t delete my comment, so I’ll make this post. G/O Media sucks and treats their employees like shit. I feel bad for those who were pushed around and pushed out. As much as I can, I stand with those editors and writers who are getting screwed over. It’s a shame. This website used to be wonderful. It had a culture…
It feels Good!!!
For anyone who’s looking to learn more about this kind of thing, Adam Neely has a pretty good breakdown (and will generally provide one whenever this kind of situation occurs):
Totally agree. Back in the day there were solid directors specializing in genre pics, McTiernan being the prime example for action flicks. Now you get all these arty directors who basically just show up to work with the actors while all the effects and action work is left to those departments and usually done in…
I feel like I’d enjoy having a Series X but man, Demon’s Souls still calls me over to a PS5...
“It’s from the ‘Now You’ series. You don’t think we know how to make movies? Fucking step off. Let the people in, they’re trying get in to see a good movie, motherfucker, you fucking jaded piece of shit. Fucking ‘Now You’ is in session!”
I was lucky enough to see Middleditch & Schwartz live this last year. These are world-class comedians at the top of their game, nailing every moment of their time in the spotlight. Live comedy just doesn’t get better than this.
So, reading the title - Veep is HBO’s bombshell Michael Jackson Documentary?
Films we wouldn’t have if we banned remakes:
Ben-Hur (1959)
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)
Scarface (1983)
The Maltese Falcon (1941)
The Thing (1982)
The Fly (1986)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
At least two version A Star is Born
A bunch of Kurosawa films relocated to the Old West
Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979)
Evidently, Norm Macdonald thinks we’d all be better off if we went back to the days when everyone assumed women were lying about abuse or harassment and all famous people were given an infinite supply of second chances whenever they fuck up.
This is exactly what happened. His humor is hit or miss but this is the type of shit he will pull. Brave on his part.
What are the chances this is Norm being Norm and trolling the interviewer?
I’d put The Old Sugarman Place above, uh, literally any other episode of any show. Animated or no
That was great, in part because Kumail was there. To prove I’m not just a total Harmon fanboy, the podcast IS better when Kumail is on it, because he’s fantastic. But it’s still great now that he’s not a regular. Harmon, Jeff Davis, and Spencer are indispensable, and Schrab/Brandon Johnson are very good regulars. I…