
Did anyone catch how the transmitted tune led to Walter remembering the password, and/or if we were supposed to recognize the Green Fairy?

The term I use to appease both camps is "the centrifugal effect".

The term I use to appease both camps is "the centrifugal effect".

That was my impression, too. That the 'zombies' were Arden's experiments with making folks immune to horrible diseases. Now, being immune and looking non-monstrous, that's a later step; this is the 'hastily sketched on a napkin' rough draft.

Their first three albums aren't bad at all, really.

Dictionary editors do it, too; tossing in a fake word that nobody has ever used just to see if folks are re-covering their dictionaries and claiming the work as their own.

True! But I'm guessing the prison has some dedicated utilities or something, since the remaining prisoners somehow got a viable water supply.

Not to sound like the Comic Store Guy from the Simpsons (but feel free to read this in his voice!), but I suspected something was up with Rick & the Phone when Hershel picked up the phone, put it to his ear, and there wasn't any dial-tone SFX.

I was really sold onto the 'fun' angle of Haven in the Christmas episode, when Audrey was trying to convince everyone that Christmas wasn't in the middle of summer.

RE: Teagues boys and your cryptic comments. Am I reading too much into this, or might they have a Trouble they trade off?

I'll bet 500 Quatloos that the reason for it apparently not working isn't going to be our, "If a five foot bridge is blown up, taking out two feet of one bank, just build a seven foot bridge" answer.

True. If you look at the episode before this one and listen to the gunfire under the bridge, Etta's gun makes an odd sound when it shoots.

I'm a little surprised by Walter being so surprised at the cargo time-hole opening up again, since it seems (as far as we've been told) like it'd be easy enough for things to be destroyed on the far end, so they fix it up over a few years and then re-open it with the destination being "Around the time in the past that

The Feb 1982 issue has a story, "Petra" by Greg Bear. Really really good.

My only complaint about the Tumblr site is the lack of discussion functionality, but that's been my gripe about Tumblr for years now.

For those who haven't seen Decoys, it's probably better than you're expecting.

Does she never age? I'd roughly imagined it as working such that she appears in Haven around the time the Troubles kick in (not sure which comes first). When she hits her late 20s, she vanishes and someone is born who'll eventually grow up to look like her (and return to Haven, to repeat the cycle).

It's been used more than once, without undoing previous resets, so I'm betting it's more like a matter of a given person can only use it once?

RE: Reset button

Yep. There was one that looked like if you snapped a half-size bat'leth over your knee then attached it to a pole. It was in the center of the visible part of the display when she was dragging him away towards the dagger section.