Young Tarr - Crisis Hotline Masturbator

This ladies and gentlemen is what you call “trolling” and by the looks of the replies, he did a rather good job.

Lol what?

Now playing

Watch Meryl kill it during her Ally for Equality Award HRC speech.

Right? Though I cannot see it here, fake AutoFocus is the worst. All kinds of this you can see on the internets: “sexy af”, “cool af”, you name it. That much I can take. (Although I have no idea how autofocus can be sexy) But fake AF? That’s too much for me.

Boo hoo, too bad snowflake, go back to your Breitbart safe space, suck it up buttercup, etc. etc. Whoever goes looking for cosmic significance or deep political meaning in a fucking Oscars speech deserves whatever they find.

Seriously, just going off the gif (because no videos here) why is there no rippling of the water beneath this jetpack? Maybe it’s the angle of the camera but it’s definitely looking staged with just this limited information I possess.

had to sing the last line of your comment in my head, followed by ♫ doo da doo doo...doo da doo da doo doo dooooo ♫

Mariah, girl, me too. ME TOO.

Weed has had no inflation since like the 90s!