Young Tarr - Crisis Hotline Masturbator

Who is this dickweed?

Sorry boo, Bernie is the guy now.

Nah. Bernie is the future of our party.

That might be the one Beyonce gif file I have not seen yet!

Yup, just wait until he starts dropping nuclear bombs. Literally the end of the world is fast approaching.

This is the last straw. Bernie needs to be the face of the party. DNC needs to back off - they lost.

Ugh, why does this guy need to do this like literally right now? Worst possible time. Now the GOP will find all the tapes of him leading rallies and marches for Hillary and the conservative media will double down on their vitriol against minorities. At least Bernie is still untainted.

This guy campaigned hard for Hillary in the primaries.

The made life, it’s all I dream. Paper chasin’ for that green.

Good to see that progress doesn’t stop just because flyover country elected Hitler. This subject doesn’t apply to me and nobody would mistake what I got goin on for being anything but a serious ass man but I am happy for the transgenders that now get to find bathrooms easier. Progress: can’t stop won’t stop!

Money and weed.

I had sex with your wife.





I guess you weren’t paying attention. Most Hillarybots weren’t. NBD tho

I used to think that raccoons were the cutest things on earth. Then I literally met my wife. She is the cutest thing on earth now.

I agree with your message. Science kicks ass.