Young Tarr - Crisis Hotline Masturbator

Education system is fine. You are fake news.

Hillary and the DNC told him he couldn’t run. He wanted to, and he would have won, but they wouldn’t let him. Same way they didn’t let Bernie run.

Yes, No, Maybe, Maybe, YES, Yes, YES!

Fake news. Science is real and science says progressives have better genes.

Neither am I tbh.

Listen I get why you rigged it against us but that literally does not make it right. Look what you did... you gave us Hitler. Hey nice work, thanks.

Walter Sobachack up there posted links that literally prove that progressives actually have smarter brains with better DNA. Facts are facts. And it’s also a fact that flyover country is literally not as smart as people in NYC or Cali. They proved it in the election by electing a guy who is basically a Russian spy

We dismiss them as imbeciles because that’s what they are! Listen, this article is about science. I like science. You like science. Progressives like science because science is progress for this whole world. We did that. Conservatives don’t like science. Therefore, we literally are smarter and better people.

I don’t even think we could change our progress if we wanted to, the current of human evolution on the left is just too strong. We are quickly becoming a nation of evolving and devolving beings. Natural selection will eventually take over and we the smarter, better people will become the population. Just sucks

Exactly. That’s why progressives are literally better people, like better DNA and genes, than conservatives. Not only are we smarter but we are capable of a wider range of emotions like empathy. That’s why we discovered science and why nearly every scientist is progressive. It’s not just a weird coincidence. We

I guess you live in Wisconsin. Anyways I held my nose and voted for Hillary even though I didn’t want to so you can’t blame me for this. Maybe we should blame you Hillary psychos. Bernie would have beat Trump if you didn’t rig the primaries! Superdelegates my ass. That primary was bought and paid for by Clinton

Science is objectively a progressive idea. So check it, what does science do? It moves things forward in the way we understand things and we use those ideas to make things better. Key point: *better.

Fake news.

You could probably find him on Twitter if you were so inclined.

Trusting strangers on the internet is a bad idea.


NO. That was disgusting. I saw that and stuck to Gawker for months because of it.

Her theory about me is maybe the best I’ve read yet. “He’s like those crisis hotline masturbators.” LOL’d for real

This is, without question, the single best conspiracy theory about me that I have ever read. Serious congratulations are in order!

I watched that speech last night and he was straight up literally Hitler. Literally no difference. Talking about America First and deporting people and martial law and all that. Dictator for sure. This is pretty scary now. I am scared and you should be too. Trump is Hitler but worse.