Young Tarr - Crisis Hotline Masturbator

Can we literally just not with all this “fake news” talk? Every time we say that it powers up Trump and his band of Wildly Coyotes. That word needs to be eliminated. There is literally no such thing as fake news. News is just news.

Just me or Kev here looks 45 years old all of a sudden? Lamar Odom back in the leauge lmao!

For me it’s either her incredible political vision or her chest.

Uhh... what?

There cars take forever to power up too.

Girl - no you didn’t. That f*ck up was literally 100% the fault of a faceless corporation named Pricewater House Cooper. This is not your fault. Don’t take that blame.


Clicks Headline to find out how Moonlight Editor Joi McMellons Oscar Nomination Made History and receives a bunch of YouTube links. Someone’s got a case of the Mondays...

I think you are thinking of Wayne’s World Two, which was really good but much later.

I always say that he is a neophyte too.

Sean Spicer looks like a Chiwawa.

Classic! Good old days of comedy right there. Blues Brothers, Animal House, Wayne’s World, Caddyshack!

Alley Oops? More like Alley OMFG! lol

No they can’t. I had bed bugs for two years and they are very hard to get rid of, but they can’t kill you. This is very fake news smh.

You serious? Easily the best film of the year.

You literally did. Denzel married some people right in front of everyone.

Hidden Fences should have taken it all down. Happy that at least the first black Muslim got his though. Mahershala Ali is truly an iconic artist. He makes everything he’s in better and that isn’t just in film but in real life too. He is a charitable force to be reckon’d with, and he ain’t hard on the eyes.

I am 100% FOR abortion as a CONSTITUTIONAL right for all women for good. This debate, we can’t have it anymore! Why are we even talking about this? Swear to God you know how many kids I would have by now lol? Write it in the damn Constitution and be done with it. Mic drop.

Damn, that’s graphic. Still though I would like to see it. Gotta show reality whether we like it or not. Can’t be having this debate forever!

Def gonna do that. Some people call me nerdy because I love Youtube so much, not me though! Thanks, this is definitely going on my wish list.