Young Tarr - Crisis Hotline Masturbator

I have seen Zoolander too. You aren’t fooling me with that story, even though I too believe there is no such thing as clean coal.

Rename yourself to ImStayingInCanadaForeverNoMoreVisitsToAmerica


What like the CIA?

Sorry but facts are facts.

Now Trump is gonna say we need even more money to rebuild our military. SMH 2017 sucks.

Clicks Headline to find out how Moonlight Editor Joi McMellons Oscar Nomination Made History and receives a bunch of YouTube links. Someone’s got a case of the Mondays...

Yeah right half the time I’m waking up around then.

I think you are thinking of Wayne’s World Two, which was really good but much later.

Yeah it is.

No, I’m way older than that lol.

I always say that he is a neophyte too.

Actually if you have read this thread you would know we already discussed this and this is phone was built for toddlers and geriatrics. Nobody else.

Clean coal is an oxymoron just like jumbo shrimp and sugar free gum.

Guess you never followed my Instagrams or Twitter feeds. Hit me up on Snapchat for that doggy face for real XD.

My birthday is legit every year. This year we are renting camels and donkeys for my yard party. Protip: Does’nt matter what year you were born, only the night matters. Party tiem.

80 year olds today look like 60 year olds did in the 80s. These phones are good for two year olds or 200 years olds and nothing in between!

Naw man that is a suitcase IED.

Sean Spicer looks like a Chiwawa.

Classic! Good old days of comedy right there. Blues Brothers, Animal House, Wayne’s World, Caddyshack!