Young Tarr - Crisis Hotline Masturbator

I supported Bernie but I still held my nose and voted for Hillary, but if there’s one thing that should unite us it’s the fact that the actual smart people support us and oppose Trump. Bernie, Hillary, it doesn’t matter anymore. We are anti-Trump now and Hollywood is on our side and that’s real. That’s legit power

And the word “Jetpack” just floats in the air like that? No, this is an obvious photoshop.

I’m sorry that you have been fooled, but I can help. There is no peace in Judaism, only in Allah. Learn, love, be. You should convert.

What a hateful, bigoted statement this is. Clearly you do not want to understand our love. In the Quran there is peace and truth. Maybe you should take a peek sometime, instead of recklessly blaspheming.

I see this quoted a lot. Simply put, this is fake news.

Pretty sure I know the dude that photoshopped this. Looks sick but fake af tho.

They called Facebook ignorant at the start too. Now those haterz are taking long showers.

We invented calculators so we don’t need math. We invented iPhones so we don’t need calculators. Math is just a relic, built into better ways of doing stuff like the iPhone.

Yeah, the Bible is pretty violent and relies on literary tricks to scare people into believing. The Quran is the most open, honest illustration of human life that I have ever come across. It’s beautiful, and it allows you to know yourself better than you ever thought possible. Islam is true peace. That

I grew up in a Christian household and we went to church every Sunday, did Sunday school, all that stuff. But when I got older I realized that it just doesn’t jive with my values not to mention it is very hypocritical and at it’s core very dishonest. That’s why I converted to Islam. It’s so much more real even

I remember when he first picked her and I was thinking why did he do that? He’s a prince, why did he get Kate from the block? But now I see. She is fit as hell and hasn’t aged a day. Guess it’s all that sleeping in a castle lmao.

Yeah exactly, but his attitude is ungrateful garbage tho I’m sorry it is.

Swear to God this boy annoys the f*ck out of me. Why does he shave his head when he’s got all that hair? Doesn’t he know there are for real bald guys out there that would literally live in a sewer forever just to have a little of that hair? But he shaves it off anyway. The arrogance is enough to turn me off to his

Or maybe you can just admit that you were wrong, because you were. You backed a candidate that couldn’t win. She was the worst candidate in history and a basic criminal. She was the only one that could lose to Trump, but the DNC rigged the primary to make sure she won. Super delegates my ass. That was highway

My God today is not the day for this. If Bernie wasn’t kept out of the primary he would have had all the Hillary votes and all the Bernie votes that stayed home. Looks like I just proved the unprovable. Where’s my Nobel at?

Guess that’s capitalism for you though. Worst people always win. SMH I mean I’m not mad but I’d be lying if I said that I don’t think about having Bernie as a president almost every day. He would have beat this clown called Trump.

Trump is trying to do trickle down equality the way Reagen did trickle down economics, except this isn’t just gonna not work - this is going to be actively bad for people and hurting them. He’s already deporting our citizens just based on skin color. Time to be scared, shit is gettin real.

Damn I read that headline so wrong but it still made sense. What world are we in right now? Lol some days man. Some days.

For the really old people they have fake cartoon teeth and different hairstyles that you can zoom in there. Actually looks pretty good imo.

So now the media is helping Trump in his war on the media? SMH