You know where bluegrass ALSO isn’t discussed? At the Grammy’s apparently.
You know where bluegrass ALSO isn’t discussed? At the Grammy’s apparently.
Passion just doesn’t do it anymore though. What use is passion when you are literally being treated like they did in 1940s Germany? What use is passion when you have to light shit on fire just to be heard? ...what use is passion when it stopped working years ago. We don’t need passion, we need a revolution. …
If your representative won’t hold a town hall, you and all your friends sit outside his house with a loudspeaker and your smartphones and protest right on his sidewalk. If cops come, give em hell.
Sex. Way easier to get these days. No need for fancy dinners and gifts. You just go on your phone and be like “AYO! wanna clown?” Works every time.
I’m serious though when I say I’ve never heard of her. If she’s so good like you say, how come I don’t know her. Like I know who f*cking K$sha is and I don’t know this woman. I’m not saying your wrong, I’m just saying this is an industry failing if what you say is true.
Sorry man but I just can’t do that one.
So she’s like one of those behind the scenes musicians that does soundtracks and plays on other people’s albums and kind of fills in where a really sick musician is needed. Actually I hear that pays really well.
It’s gonna be legal and it’s gonna be damn near free. I have already cut my prices very much down from where they were. Weed has had no inflation since like the 90s! It doesn’t pay to sell weed man but it does give you lots of weed also... silver lining.
Robert Plant was vocals for Led Zeppelin. I know that guy. If he has solo work I don’t know any of that at all though.
Yeah ok. I like the sound of that. I guess I’ll have to check y’all out.
For what like best audio mixing on a spoken word track or something? SMH
Not sure who this woman is but I will tell you that Willie Nelson is one of the all time great weed protectors. He has done more for cannabis culture than anyone since probably 311 or Snoop. He’s also one hell of a country artist.
No, her codename was Eagle.