I've spent a weekend with him. Here's video of it.
I've spent a weekend with him. Here's video of it.
Toe pick.
Trump is disappointed as he thought his name was Norman Leer.
Later ret-conned again, Wolverine stole a taxi from her.
One of the big things in its favor is that you get a lot of story per comic. I've never been able to get into monthly comics for long because I feel that you often are paying money to actually be entertained in 2 monthes
My avatar disagrees that it is always off panel.
The town wasn't named 2 Llort.
*Puts on pedantic glasses*
They were goblins.
WWE had a Twin Peaks segment yesterday.
I'd argue that his character works and is written as it is, because he knows that he isn't a good actor.
different level = high on cocaine?
It definitely a piece of pop culture that has attracted the attitude for many, "The more I trash it, The more intellectually superior I am."
I found it entertaining but it became very listy towards the end (Also I assume they are removing the terrible War Games part.)
Is The Mooch hanging out with Galadriel?
Sounds like they are trying to take the crown of insane fandom from Supernatural.
DBZ Kai cuts it down to 3!
A large number of drivers almost never need to do it. I can do but it takes awhile. However, I'm not going spend hours practicing it to get good in order to do it once every few years.
Everyone's Gone to Rapture is the only one I would call a "walking simulator." It has too much area to explore with not enough reason to after an hour or 2.
Me too. I got it for free on PSN. I knew nothing about it outside of it existing and it was a story game with no action. I played it in one sitting because I had to know what happened. Between it and the recently free Life is Strange, I like these kind of games more than I expected. The other free one that I…
Some of them are aliens in disguise, human person.