Young Rutiger

Cara Delevigne IS Sneaky Sis.

There are some movies there that I now have to see.
First one that I want to see: Titanic: The Legend Goes On.

That's my Krull 2 pitch.

I was booing.

To be fair, at this point you have to assume we are going to make the worse decision and plan around it.

It's better than dealing with all the shitty AIs in multiplayer action RPGs.

It's perfectly cromulent.

My conundrum was that the ranged stuff is much better in a fight, but the melee weapons look cooler. I never upgraded Codsworth. I read that even if you changed him back to his old look that he can't wear a derby hat anymore.

I can understand not wanting it attributed to you, but what would be the value of this information without the actual source. "Anonymous Source says they want to kill all the leakers.", "Anonymous Source says Banon sucks his own dick."

I don't even understand why there is an "on the record." If you're talking to a reporter and don't want something getting out, Don't tell them!

I'll never forget the stack of 100 wrestling rings (and the great joke as you realize that it is going to take forever.)

Terra-ble, just terra-ble.

Republicans are even saying about the banning "Uhhhh, this isn't what we were getting at."

The Warwick Davis commentary on the DVD is great. It's really informative. He came prepared!

I hope Ron called him a peck.

I've told you people several times. "I'm not Flo-Jo!"

Leftenants are better.

Dear Norm,
Don't dye your hair.
or get better dye.

I think more teams are going to go to no contact practices. It is showing more and more to be effective and doesn't wear down your players.