Young Rutiger

Testing my merge

He didn't blind him. He only might of blinded him if the guy hadn't already been blind. It was harmless youthful fun!

I could tell you the beat and general lyrics of one Taylor Swift song.

Taylor Swift is getting into synth music?

Watch out for snakes.

I did as well. We had to get our parent's permission because it was so graphic.

Everyone screamed "When are we getting to the fireworks factory?" Now everyone screams "Why are we already at the fireworks factory?"

Screw the rules, I have money!

Chill out. You're just soggy and annoyed after what someone did.

Everyone is a national treasure who was in Mitchell!

Sean Spicer must be breathing a sigh of relief that he left before this week's shitstorm hit.

The next Democratic administrator better sweep that place for hunter-seekers.

I loved KoL. I was player #45000 exactly.

They just took one down of Lee in Ohio which
1. Was in the Union.
2 Was the home of Grant.

You've never heard of Psychocrat Dr. Herculeez B. Pussyfiend

Don't worry. That's why he knows magic.

Don't worry. That's why he knows magic.

I had no idea is was alive when I saw his movies on MST3k in the 90s!

He gets all his movies from the same comedy mine.

Hey now, Let's not insult Bloodsport.