Young Rutiger

I never beat FF12 because the story just never clicked. However, the Gambit system is so good. I tend to suffer through non-turned based party RPGs. I never finished KOTR because that battle system was total garbage. If I have to spend more time pausing and readjusting actions then I would just deciding a move each

The PSP remake has a much better combat system. The original's play balance is awful. The game is unplayable without grinding after every battle for the early part of the game.

How is she older than me?!

The reminds of a time that I was down there. We rode the Little Mermaid ride a bunch of times and then it was closed the last day of our trip. The reason was because it was opening tomorrow.

Can we get a Space Channel 5 Halloween Special instead.

If the Dreamcast had dual analogs, Virtual On would be one of my favorite games ever.

I believe you forgot about The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings.

I still watch it. If anyone should have been nominated (they shouldn't have) it should have been him.


He doesn't. Someone wasn't following the rules.

Does Jake Busey support Trump?

My family did that too!

I will not let you disparage Mall Madness. I loved playing that with my little sister.

That one included a Commander Susan Ivanova token out of pure fear.

Now I want to see this!

I couldn't remember it, but yes it was definitely Daniel.

I really don't understand why people so often "double-down" on offensive words like this. What the hell are they getting out of it?

No, it's important. Look at how Fox News defends this stuff and it is often using words like treason to be able to wipe it all away. "It's not treason, so nothing to see here." Don't give Trump supporters wiggle room.

Because everyone's favorite part of the 1986 movie was Spike's wiener kid.