Young Rutiger

Obama received one for being "Not Bush." I have the feeling the next president is going to get all the Nobel Prizes.

I wish one of the questions would of led him to talking about Dragon Wars. If I ever met him, I would just have Dragon Wars questions for him.

They're pretty easy to stop as long as you know a woman willing to flash them.

And My Bow!

I may have to start watching this because actress on the left "DAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!"

Krull 2!

Aye Aye Aye!

There is a part in the Rice Krinkles that I think is unintended and probably makes me slightly racist.

At least, the Cookie Crook has been brought to justice.

Yes, I've read up on it. Never played it though.

Honestly, I've seen about 5 minutes and the only takeaway was that Ray Park seemed to have significant role.

But is it Ballistic: Ecks vs. Severs good?

Awesome, I'm going to try this at home.

Shhhhhhh, you don't want to piss off Carrot Top nowadays. He could crush us all.

Cut My Fish Into Pieces!

They slice the meat while making your sandwiches so it's a step up over the other chains.

They have capicola on Jersey Mike's Subs.

You can't prosecute a father and son for the same crime.

Fake News. Donald Trump Jr. has a known liberal bias against Donald Trump Jr.

Yeah, I went to one for the 1st time in at least 10 years and it was ok. It's just across the street from where I live so I may have to hit it up more when I'm lazy.