Young Rutiger

The problem is everyone is openly a nerd. Back in the day, attractive nerds kept their nerding to themselves.

I'm in the system for keeping scores and stats at kids' basketball game when I was in High School.

I'm just really confused about the Goldust part. His attack looked so weak.

If they are still going to yell "WHAT?" at least yell it at weaselly obnoxious heels who will be able to probably react to it.

I think Bray should watch with approval to further confuse the audience.


When I first heard mention of this title, I assumed it was about a baby NASCAR driver.

"potentially invest" is the key word.

"the labor participation rate was the lowest since the depression under Obama."

Did you hound him with Shasta McNasty questions?

Yeah, Michael Gross is the star of the Tremors series.

Over/Under on saying that more times than Jack Bauer said "Tell me where Marwan is!"

What about a complete paradigm shift?

The methodology for number of fans is bad. The Lions in no way have more fans than the Browns (the Browns being one of the smallest fan bases is super unlikely)

The book isn't much better on that account which is why I like the movie. They actually found something more entertaining than "Harry Potter and the Half-Assed Prince."

I ended up liking it a lot more than I expected. It took me awhile to get on board with the characters except Muggle dude who was great from the start.

Because you can't change anything with a time turner. If something happened you can't change it with the time turner because you already would have changed it.

I have SNES, PS1, DS, and Wii download.

I have it too. I actually have all my NES games and almost all of the booklets still.

The Japanese were already looking to surrender before the bombs. They however were trying to get much better conditions (not an unconditional surrender) than what they eventually agreed to after the bombs were dropped.