Young Rutiger

Then Matt Walsh will walk by talking about how tired he is of these Star Wars.

I already have 4 copies of Chrono Trigger.

They can probably make 100 shows like this for the same price.

My hometown mall is so sad however the malls where I live seem to be doing ok (at least for malls in 2017.) There aren't a huge number of empty storefronts.

It was 92. It was a meld of bad things from the 80s and 90s.

I ate at a Wal-mart McDonald's once, it was depressing. More so now because it was the one where the man with the bb gun was shot and killed.

Bah, the video was blocked so my comment seems less funny now.

Mad River

I've never skied out west. Probably why I never had a problem with snowboarders. I'm using to skiing on bare ice.

As someone who grew up skiing in Ohio, that's why you learn to go for big jumps.

They are super hit and miss with me. I watched one of their Bedtime Stories which I didn't find that funny. It was followed by a "Wrap-Up Show" of the Bedtime Story and it was one of the funniest things I had ever watched.

I think one of Persona 4's big faults was that it was easy to do the dungeon in 1 go. Now it's considered the "right way" to play so people see the P5 dungeons as designed poorly. I have done them in 2 (or 3) after the first dungeon. Though I just noticed that the Doctor sells MP regen accessories so I probably can

Exploring in Everybody's Gone To The Rapture is fun for an hour or two but then I found myself just hoping the light would show up and lead me to the next point in the game. There just isn't enough incentive (rewards, or just interesting things to look at) after awhile. It really did become a "walking simulator" for

What if he confronts you in an alley, and tries to make you put sunglasses on?


It turns out to be a Go-bot. King Arthur's grandma was at least trying.

It's not really shocking. I'm pretty amazed that he didn't to the splits and bunch someone in the balls when he was fired.

Right, but a 1 day opening on Wednesday is going to be smaller than a Friday. I think you have to wait for the 5 day weekend to compare. If the 5 day weekend is the same or less than a 3 day than it certainly is less popular.

Did the other movies open on Wednesday? Otherwise it seems to not really tell much.