Young person yelling at clouds

Rich people telling everyone to work hard, can fuck off and die.

Tack on the fact it’s become socially acceptable to hustle because whatever you’re doing simply isn’t enough; your life’s purpose is to produce, produce, produce so that others can consume, consume, consume.

Guess what. The pre requirement of needing a “hustle” culture is that jobs don’t pay you enough to live normally.

Ah yes, I want nothing more than for my car to be assembled by an over-worked, sleep deprived technician.

Sequel. We can just call it a sequel, guys. I mean, I know Hollywood likes to mess around with prequels and reboots and reimaginings and the like, but what you’re describing is clearly just a belated sequel. We don’t need to give Hollywood any more bullshit meaningless jargon to try and glam up what’s basically just

Honestly, I think having an article on this was a pretty good idea.  It’s better to learn from someone else’s mistake then have to figure it out on the fly when it happens to you.  

I admire their bottomless confidence that they know it’s easy to do having never done it before. 

I could do this and I’ve never flown a plane.

Jesus, that’s impressive. Landing is by far the hardest thing to do safely, even for experienced pilots, and the 208 isn’t a tiny plane. Amazing work for everyone involved. 

I’m assuming this is the one good story to come out of Florida for the next century or so.

Wow, I wonder if that was a ‘That was great, I want my own pilot’s license now!’ or a ‘fuck that, never going on a small plane again!’ moment for the person who just landed the plane.

Do a reverse “Freedom Convoy”. Run pride and Biden flags and hand out free kale chips and kombucha to people. Also put that stuff in your gas tank that makes your exhaust fumes smell like bubble gum.

looks there was a sale on antler chandeliers 

Yep, and then they’ll call you a communist for having the audacity to give a shit about people other yourself.

And already the, “If it affects performance or engine note? No thank you.” comments are out in force.
ie I’d rather have my child, or my friend’s children grow up in a filthier country where our children suffer more from a variety of diseases and neurological deficits all so that my car can go Vroom Vroom louder and

I expect this is my last chance to this:

How long would you be willing to stay on a sinking ship work for Herb Spanfeller?

Oh wow. What’s with the exodus? I’ll miss his bike fixing adventures.

And just like that.... all the OGs are out. Damn.

Well damn, that’s the sound of the drain being circled on this site.