Young person yelling at clouds

That’s a common thing for American conservative commentators, especially the more right wing they are. To them, things boil down to tools to identify oneself with and to alienate and segregate others. They hate the term “identity politics” because it is the very game they play. It’s the reason why often times the

I need conservatives to explain to me why they’re so in love with the flag of a rebel army that lost the only war it ever fought.

He did clean up the wreckage, yes, but in this case, another term for that would be “destruction of evidence.”

I’ve been watching NASCAR since 1991 and I can tell you with 100% confidence that the 2022 Season is the best it has been in decades. The new cars look great and race well. There is a great mix of talent from new young drivers and veterans. There is a great mix of different tracks and driving styles. The weather has

When was the last time you saw a white conservative character in movies or tv that wasn’t a world-class jackass?

I know you’re referring to influencers and idiots looking for clicks like this moron, but there are also people who are operating perfectly legitimate businesses using “social media” as their platform.

As bad as this event was, it was good to see so many pilot-focused Youtubers get some highlights on this and go to such great lengths for the breakdown.

THANK YOU. I hate this misconception that cats just want to be left alone. Cats are social creatures who happen to be ok being a little solitary. But they’re very loving and get very attached.

Buddy, lighten up. I can promise you life will feel better if you don’t get your panties in a twist over people living their lives differently. You’ll do better on those dating apps, too.

Nice reach there. Hope you don’t throw you back out trying to grab for that top shelf.

Out of the millions of customers sold, how many batteries have got fire that did not involve accident they broke them open? My understanding is one.

To your point, I’ve never had anything that was “computer-like” (eg., actual computers, phones, gaming systems) that didn’t freeze in almost 40 years of buying these things.  

This has more to do with Tesla and not EVs in general.

The girl’s name was Obianuju Osuegbu, there wasn’t “some wild mental gymnastics” to blame her there was just some plain old ingrained racism. Would happily wager my life savings that if it was a white cheerleader that got killed than the driver would be facing vehicular manslaughter.

It took some wild mental gymnastics — including just making shit up — for the police could find a way to blame a kid killed by such a driver, but they got there.”

I’ve found from my experiences living in the South that if your skin looks like this:

I have an EV. Haven’t been to a gas pump since before last summer.

You missed a big opportunity calling the ‘MSM’ the Lame Stream Media, big smart man.

One man slaps a man one time and is banned from the Oscars for ten years.