I half agree. Changing your biological gender is technically impossible, but attempting to do so via surgery is pretty unusual.
I half agree. Changing your biological gender is technically impossible, but attempting to do so via surgery is pretty unusual.
Right, because Jewish people in 1930 were facing the incredible hardship of hearing a stand-up comedian joke about a stereotype of them.
It’s not bigotry. It’s being medically correct but not saying what the left wants to hear. Identifying as something besides what you biologically are does not change what you biologically are. Gender and sex are not the same thing.
And if it is, maybe they need to rethink exactly how oppressed they are. Women, black people, and gay people get killed just for being who they are on a daily basis, and trans people had to listen to a comedian make mild jokes at their expense. Sure, those are totally the same thing.
(I know I’ll get a lot of shit for…
The only thing I care about is that the cat is OK.
The seatbelt interlock seems like a no-brainer, but realistically, the people who refuse to wear it would just buckle it and sit on top of it. You can’t fix stupid.
That’s the problem with Challengers. They’re awesome cars that are almost always driven by absolute dickheads.
Unless they’re going to pull a Donna Noble and have Rose Tyler somehow end up with Time Lord DNA, I don’t think there’s any way Yasmin’s character could be the same person. I’m going with the theory that this “Rose” is Donna’s daughter (or some other person unrelated to the original Rose), and perhaps named after her.
IDK... the first couple of movies with Jack Sparrow were great, but that version of the franchise really overstayed its welcome after a while. I’d be much more interested in seeing a new direction with Margot Robbie than just more of the same stuff we’ve already seen a bunch of times.
That was a damn good landing. Very smooth and controlled. Kudos to the passengers and the ATC.
I guess it’s better than Tesla’s system, but this still seems like literally reinventing the wheel for no reason at all.
I would not at all be opposed to forcing this guy to watch his truck get crushed, Clockwork Orange style.
This isn’t an EV thing. It’s an issue with any vehicle that runs almost all the controls through a central screen (which is pretty much everything made in the last couple of years).
The Hyundai Kona EV wouldn’t have this problem because it has an actual dashboard instead of a recycled prop from the J.J. Abrams Star…
This. This is why having one screen for everything is a bad idea.
I’m no expert on computers, but I’ve used them enough to know that even the best ones are fickle, unreliable pieces of junk. That is not something I want to trust my life to. It should be a legal requirement for any feature in a car that affects safety…
It was the Relay. A half-assed badge engineering job, even by GM’s low standards, on a van that was already the automotive equivalent of mayonnaise. Yechh.
Yes - the Ion Redline. Awful torque steer, from what I’ve been told, but otherwise pretty neat.
The H2 absolutely belongs where it is at #1, but I’m surprised the Chevy Cobalt didn’t make the list, even though two Cobalt-based models (the Ion and the HHR) did.
I was a full grown adult when I found out what it was, too. Apparently it’s equivalent to flipping the bird.
This seems more convoluted and difficult to remember than just using the “double it and add 30" trick to convert Celsius to Farenheit, or “subtract 30 and halve it” to go the other way. It’s not very complicated math.