Young person yelling at clouds

If you’re just wanting ballpark it

To convert from C to F: Double and add 30
To convert from F to C: Substract 30 and halve it

Easy peasy, no list of crap to memorize

If he stands by his country, why is he racing with an Italian license? 

I am Russian, I am from Russia and I stand by my country”.

It is the privately owned ordinary cars that are the true losses, because those are cars people cared enough for to tranship rather than replace. They meant something to someone, and that is a shame to lose those emotional connections.


Is the first F&F the worst one or is it the second? Or Tokyo drift? I lean towards Tokyo drift. Commence name calling and debate below. 

I still respect the guy. He did what he did to help people. It’d be different if he filed completely false claims.  For every claim he filed, he did a job associated with it.  Granted, some were unqualified claims and he got caught.  Either way, no one should feel sorry for an insurance company.

Doctor Who is the name of the show, not the person, but you know what we mean

Nah, those actual hero truckers are still doing their jobs in spite of these morons.
These idiots in DC were probably among the TP/sanitizer hoarders and some probably haven’t worked since the shutdown.

not these truckers.  the ones who delivered my TP, yes.  these guys were busy masturbating to Trump videos.

You are assuming facts not in evidence: that these truckers, specifically, were the majority of those transporting toilet paper and other sundries during the pandemic.

it’s always so funny to watch when right wing nutjobs are confronted with the fact that the general populace is not on their side

I love this movie and hate Tim Allen’s hypocritical, drug dealing, neo-fascist guts.

She’s a friend of a friend (I haven’t met her myself) and apparently she’s also just a warm, delightful person.  

Missi Pyle should be in everything

That was a hell of a thing.  

Once again, Miata is the answer. It’s low enough to the ground that anything larger than a hamster will have trouble getting underneath. And the gas tank not under the trunk like most cars. It’s ahead of and above the rear axle, on a shelf behind the seats.

You just know some dumbass will try this on an electric vehicle

Burying the lede. Shouldn’t we be more concerned with finding out who is taking these people and their families hostage and forcing them to watch these shows?

I wasn’t aware of those last two examples and I find them deeply sad. Yes, it is a tragedy to die during the making of a good movie like The Crow or The Dark Knight, but to die for a terrible movie?