
^game theory

Here’s why you’re wrong... (1/257)

But his face was always ugly. Why didn’t he trim his eyebrows? Why did he never have a decent haircut? Or comb his hair properly?

And then he got his mother’s hair...

But they don’t hide his bulk, they make it look worse. Good tailoring wouldn’t make him look skinny but it would keep him from looking fat and schlubby.

The pics of how he dressed when slimmer are the most damning evidence that his clothes are specifically cut to hide his bulk.

“Trump Crotch” haha! I have weaned my husband from pleated khaki golf and dress pants over the past few years for this reason. He is not overweight but they are just so unflattering.

Trump is one of those fat guys who wears his pants up over his belly. Dang. Those amphetamines give you a feeling of confidence and euphoria, but they sure aren’t keeping the weight off, are they Dough-nald?

That’s what I don’t get. He seems to be vain as hell, but NOTHING about him would indicate that. His hair is a joke, his skin is unnatural, he’s overweight, and he wears terrible-fitting clothes. Or do NPDs also have a kind of body dysmorphia where they look in the mirror and see hotness where there is none?

I have a brother-in-law who styles men for a living. Quite a few of his regular clients are dowdy white business men. In the last year he said everyone of them have confessed a terror of looking as unprofessional as Cheetolini. One guy threw out his entire wardrobe of slacks because he realized they gave him

The tie ending below the belt isn’t fooling anyone.

I just love it that he pissed of David Koch and for such a trivial reason. The more opposition he gets from republicans the better.

I am always amazed at how poorly his clothes fit. I’m not shaming him for his body shape, I’m just confused. We know he’s a man who cares a lot about his image. We know he’s a man who claims to have buckets of money. Why does he always look like he’s dressed himself from the clearance rack at Sears?

Instead, Koch’s foursome left and played at Emerald Dunes, which Hurt described in his Facebook post as “a much, much better golf course than Trump International.

Trump acting like a petulant child? That’s so unpresidented

Honestly, does the man not have ANYTHING to wear that is even remotely tailored to fit his bulbous figure?

Remember when Trump was criticizing Obama for playing golf so much?

Mine is 9. I taught her self defence last year because she is so gentle and pleasant that I cannot stand the thought of someone hurting her and her not knowing how to defend herself. Every now and then I shout “WHOSE BODY?” and she shouts “MY BODY”. There are really simple moves you can teach her: chin thrust, fingers

Ha! My personal favourite manifestation of not giving a fuck anymore is telling a man that yes, I understood his joke - I’m not laughing because he’s not funny.

We were watching an old episode of GoT where this was basically happening to Cersei for the second time and my Trump-supporting mother leaned over and said, “Aren’t you glad the world isn’t like this anymore?”