
This is somewhat related, and extremely important.

Of course she can act! Have you not seen her oscar winning tour-de-force in Battleship?

Soooo I shouldn’t be telling coworkers about my crippling depression?

Yeah, there are a ton of issues involved in sugar addiction. One of them is that in the culture sugar is a substitute for love. From calling our loved ones “sugar” and “honey” (gross, but people do it) to the chocolate ritual for Valentine’s day to having cake for every damn celebration out there, we have made it so

I’m reading a ton on the subject, both clinical and for a lay audience, because there are no specialists in my area. I’m forcing myself to finish my latest book because the whole gist of it is “Don’t binge. Just don’t.” Stretched out thinly over a hundred pages. I want to hunt the author down to kick him in the shin.

I have a cool story for every time someone says “Don’t shop hungry.” I once shopped thirsty and came home with about 10 kinds of beverages and hardly any food.

As a vet myself this is something everyone needs to understand: sometimes American Soldiers die for no good reason. They die in accidents, in blue-on-blue attacks, from improper medical care, in stupid wars, in badly planned missions. It happens. “Soldiers have died” is not a reason to keep fighting in and of itself.

Trotting out the military as props is like Politics 101. Their families are inherently sympathetic, and Soldiers get virtually no say in what they are told to do (if someone tells them to go stand next to the President and have him pin on an award, thats what they do). Plus politicians can funnel all sorts of money

Ah, the hypocrisy is thick. Remember when he went after the Khan family and accused HRC of using them as a political prop? Fun times, man. Fun times.

Go ask an immigrant how presidential Donald Trump seemed last night.

Yes, a fringe element of Bernie supporters were a real problem. They tried to disrupt the DNC convention, including booing Bernie himself and trying to heckle during Hillary’s acceptance speech. They drove Hillary supporters underground, which made it easy for the media to create a narrative of Hillary as dull and

If I have to hear the disenfranchised white dude narrative one more time, I’m going to hurl. This was, of course, the explicit campaign Sanders was running, one which the demographics of his voters reflects.

No. Bernie-bros are not the people who simply voted for Bernie, were unhappy when he lost the primary, then got over it and voted for Clinton as she was clearly the responsible choice.

I still believe that Bernie hung on a bit too long in the couple months before the convention, and that his rhetoric was still very much in opposition to her during that time. I would have rather that he’d have conceded earlier. He got big platform changes at the convention, and whoop-dee-do for that, but the

According to Newsweek, the Republican oppo folder on Bernie was a foot and a half thick and included video of him praising a crowd of Sandinistas as “patriotic” after they chanted “death to Yankees everywhere.”

I supported Bernie in the primary but I thought it was downright shameful how he continued his primary campaign well past viability just to appease his rabid supporters. All respect I had for Bernie evaporated when he pulled that shit, so yes, people who are still BernieBros deserve a nice big helping of blame.

Can we please kill this “Bernie would have won” narrative. There is absolutely no evidence that would happen. We saw how reliable polls were when the election results came in, so all those polls during the summer are meaningless. So the Dem candidate would have a penis instead of a vagina. He would still be a

I’d include the people who voted for Clinton but spent months smearing her beforehand and making a big deal about her being “the lesser of two evils” while acting like their vote for her was a huge moral sacrifice for the good of the country (h/t deadspin guys.) I think they did a lot to depress voter turn-out.

I’m placing blame on people who went into the election knowing who Donald Trump was and what was at risk but were butthurt over Hillary getting the nod or some other bullshit and cast a “protest vote” or didn’t vote at all, which helped get us to where we are today.m

This is more red meat to the deplorables. Since Trump can’t just throw Hillary in jail, they need to appease the Lock Her Up crowd however they can. If it means throwing a “corrupt Hillary stan” out, then that’s what they’ll do and claim a victory. Or, you know. It could be economic anxiety. [inserts every eyeroll gif