
The UN had ruled that she was being tortured. Her sentence was fucking excessive and it was slowly killing her. The fact you say it was not means you have not read any of the details or you do not care.

Her sentence was the longest sentence for any leaker, ever. Yes, the leak was huge, but as the NY Times points out, none of the material was classified as Top Secret.

A very sincere Thanks, Obama. She would not have survived the Trump administration.

Allred basically just said that her endgame is to get Trump to lie under oath so that he can be impeached.

Allred said too that Zervos is “willing to dismiss her lawsuit if he will retract his false statements about her” and acknowledge his “sexually inappropriate” conduct against her.

Enforce it the same way they would enforce any policy against passengers assaulting one another.

I would love to sit next to only other women on a plane because MEN TAKE ALL THE ARM RESTS.

It’s hard for me to say this is a good idea when I just want men to STOP GROPING WOMEN. How fucking hard is that?

How about a “No Entitled Pervs” section that includes every seat?

CNN posted the video of the Obamas playing with the kids on the swings, and it is one of my favorite PBO videos to date. One of the kids yells, “It’s Barack Obama!” with such joy when she sees him. Pretty much the exact opposite reaction from the kid who said “I’m scared, I’m scared, I’m scared,” when Trump walked

Also, the Obamas had offered to leave the playground at the White House for, you know, Trump’s ten-year-old kid and bunch of grandkids... and he said no.

I like this perspective. Now that trump has been elected, white people are ON ME to engage with racists and teach them a better, more loving way. As if I haven’t been trying this my whole life. White people, the responsibility to pick up your own house is YOURS.


The word around the memos is the question of the age of the women in question.

One of the best points made on all of this is that it would be incredibly easy for the Trump Transition Team to release evidence that would refute all of these claims. But they haven’t. Some have suggested it’s because they’re dumb, or because they’ve been refusing transparency for months, but there’s an equal point

Of course, it Trump would release his tax returns, we could follow the money and possibly refute this. 

Now playing

I would like Jezebel to post a video of Marco Rubio laying into Rex Tillerson about Russia and Vladimir Putin being a war criminal. Here it is. It’s excellent:

“Trump later called it a “failing piece of garbage,” and said it would “suffer the consequences” for publishing the report.”

YES. This is why I was so taken with Lauren Duca’s response to Tucker Carlson badgering her in that well-publicized interview a few weeks back — she just laughed in his face. It deflates them like nothing else. And then you see the bully come out — hear Conway hissing “Not true! Unfair!” while Myers is speaking.