
Rih deserves better.

It is frightening how much the Republicans want to end the transparency of the democratic process.

My mom and I will be at the one in Seattle, with feminist signs in tow. Hope to see some other PNW Jezzies there!

No, the splintered ego factory of the GOP leadership who was just fine with trotting out a freakshow of more than a dozen unqualified human oddities, along with months of simple-minded, media-assisted pandering to the lowest common denominator of the American public, gave us Trump.

No, it’s not reasonable to ask women to wear tiny dresses and dance around a rapist who specifically targets women who look like they do.

No Hills? Really, kids? Here’s a woman whose worst affront to humanity continues to be that she’s a woman. Ambitious, brilliant, wonky, and, despite the fact that she’s been surrounded by a panoply of assholes for the better part of five decades, STILL wanted to be President. The fact that she won the popular vote by

My pick would be Katy Tur, who was pretty fearless in her reporting of the Trump campaign. Yes, the media in general really let us down with all the free air time for Trump and its BS of falsely equating Hillary using a private server with whatever atrocity Trump happened to be doing or saying or promising, but Tur

Idk for me it’s less about “don’t make fun of Baron” and more about “stop acting like autism is an insult”. It’s still ableist and insulting to people who actually are autistic, no matter who the target is.

And there’s the problem. I’m all for “going high” when it comes to some things. But look at this election, and look at the world’s sorest winners. The goddamned PEOTUS is acting like a cracked-out orange imbecile, people give NO fucks about insulting any and everyone that doesn’t look like them, and everyone who

Ah, Sullen Sasha and Morose Malia. It was truly scandalous when they refused to smile that one time while listening to adults talk. Teens are known for smiling while adults talk!!

Chelsea Clinton and I are the same age and I remember SNL viciously making fun of her appearance during the beginning of Clinton’s presidency. I had the worst second hand embarrassment for her and basically felt like I’d have died on the spot if I were her. The fact that Chelsea isn’t hiding under a rock for all

I seem to recall the Obama girls being taken to task for various things, from “sulking” at events to “vacationing in Hawaii on our taxpayer dollars” to “smoking pot and going to rehab.”



He’s just a red-blooded American man, Goddamnit, he couldn’t help himself!

Why was Trump staring at Barney Frank’s tits?

Hmmm wasn’t a big part of the founding of the United States something to do with separation of church and state?

I’ve had a few friends who worked while their husbands stayed home with the kids. In every case, the woman still did pretty much everything — the cooking, the cleaning, the laundry, all the childcare when she wasn’t at work. The man was considered to be doing such a valiant and noble thing for “giving up his career”

A friend of mine who shares my chronically single status once said that whenever she starts feeling bad about being alone, she spends more time hanging out with her heterosexual female friends who are married or living with their significant others. Their stories about being the primary