
At this point, I honestly don’t even know what to say- there’s just no words to express the absolute insanity of what we are witnessing. There isn’t a single touchpoint I can reference to provide parallel or precedence. Can’t yell “1984" or “It Can’t Happen Here”, because even those seem to be set in some sort of

I’ve never seen this show but am horrified to see Amazon getting hints from my gas lighting boyfriend’s playbook

I just want to point out that I had initially planned a response comparing a picture of Hitler (not an attractive man by any standard esp later in life) against the Nazi propaganda images he promoted as the enforced “ideal” -fit, blonde, square-jawed.

Others associated with the show (Lynn Povich, the former Newsweek reporter whose book was the inspiration for the show, as well as the cast) have been pretty vocal about the cancellation as well.

I had an abortion at six weeks and pretty much every clinic employee I encountered during the process (I went in at 5 1/2 weeks for an official confirmation, I took a pee test when my period was 7 days late) said something along the lines of “holy crap you’re one of the earliest abortions I’ve seen, most people are

Not to mention the M forming horns above his head:

Jesus Christ, I didn’t even know I was pregnant until 6 weeks. The first four you aren’t even actually pregnant!! It’s just your normal cycle at that point. So that’s a 2 weeks window to find out your pregnant, make a decision, and get yourself to a clinic. Aggghhhhh. Fuck everything.

Thank god. Aside from it being handled wrong tonally and thematically 98% of the time, it’s almost always just lazy storytelling, the quickest way to convey a plot point, or a reason for the male protagonist’s man pain. It’s rarely given any complexity or nuance, and frequently shot either like misery porn or like a

It can be, but it’s also overused and sometimes completely unnecessary to the overall narrative of the story being told. The same way that the plot device of a man losing a woman love interest to death or capture is.

“America as a country has a very fucked-up attitude regarding sex and sexuality...”

Saw the tallies this morning. She was 50% to his 30%. So. Kinda like the real world. Thanks, Time, for being so on the nose!

That Barack Obama - so arrogant! So entrenched!

NDA’s should be against the law in this case. Trump is no longer the CEO of a private company. He is the employee of 320 million people. Please tell me this violates some form of the Freedom of Information Act. If it doesn’t, someone needs to fucking get on that. The transition and everything that follows is part of

He wouldn’t have saved us from anything. He’s a terrible campaigner and he does best as a politician when he’s not required to do any improving, and he literally has all of the same weaknesses Hillary does and few of her strengths, and the exact same politics. The man was called Senator Mastercard, for fuck’s sake.

Love ya, Uncle Joe, but you’re 74, and will be 78 in 2020. Time for the torch to pass to a new generation. Find a good candidate and put your moral weight behind him or her.

anything that erodes Trump’s credibility, mandate and authority—even a little—gets a vaguely helpless nod / desperate thumbs up combo from me.

Why should the Democrats cater to racists?