
This is 100% correct - at least in Dallas were I work in psych admissions. If you are brought by police then handcuffs will be involved. If I take a crisis call I will always explain that to the person so agitation will be less if the police or EMS are called. Also, so if they are capable/safe enough to get themselves

This is a really good point! I was taken out of work by ambulance a few months ago because I was pregnant and almost fainted, even though I was conscious and cooperative they strapped me to the gurney for safety while transporting me.

My understanding (from taking a family member to the ER for psychiatric reasons and the followup discussions with doctors) is that if the police / EMS are involved in transporting, the patient will be restrained as a safety precaution, even if they are cooperative. It’s no indication that the patient is behaving

Hear, hear. That was quite a shit storm in the comments, last night.

yeah i’m gonna go ahead and apologize for being an asshole about Ye yesterday. I was being snarky about him rambling on about Beyonce. So, fuck me and Ye I hope you push through.

i can’t imagine the amount of panic she must have felt knowing how far away she was from her husband in what could arguably be his biggest time of need. breaks my heart for both of them.

please everyone. no more snark or assholery regarding kanye. he’s a human being who deserves our care and compassion, regardless of your opinion on him, his wife, his lifestyle, or anything else.

I feel bad for Kanye, he hasnt been the same since his mom’s death. Here’s hoping he recovers.

THIS is what kills me. Calling people triggered snowflakes is just a way to divert from the fact that the accuser was just “triggered” by someone else’s reaction.

(Bonus points for anyone who guesses what all of those people have in common!)

The people in my life who were Bernie bros or other third-partiers and spent the last year DRAGGING hillary and then either didn’t vote for her when it counted or else smugly confessed to holding their noses and voting for her are now all upset and panicking and it makes me want to fucking scream.

The thing that consoles me this morning is visions of impeachment hearings dancing in my head.

Yes. Their “oh how stupid white people are for not seeing this coming” schtick would have carried a lot more weight....a week or two earlier....and I am a big fan of both of them.

The police are lying. This was a militarized domestic terrorist action by the police against unarmed citizens trying to remove an illegal roadblock cutting off access to their town.

I no longer believe that law enforcement has any real purpose in serving the public with this gross display. I’m just done with this hypocritical stupid country.

I would be more inclined to believe that the use of the water cannons was necessary if they hadn’t denied using any water cannons until they saw there was photographic proof.

This whole thing has been completely disgusting from the start and the media isn’t covering 1/10th of what’s actually happening.

I’m just going to let the great President Meyer (great compared to Trump) say what needs to be said.