
We get it, you hate white people.

Or, you know, she could’ve not gone flying through that intersection and plowing into that car. Just a thought.

Over a hundred people favorited your post, and a hand full of snowflakes are complaining.

How do you know they weren’t planning this from the beginning?

It’s not “racist”. It;s fucking fictional. What teh fuck is wrong with you people?

Native American Here, Cheyenne with a dash of Sioux. Lived on a Kupa / Cahuilla reservation most of my life. My first thought when I saw the skins was “Oh crap, thats an awesome skin.” Not boohoo my culture boohoo. Its done awesomely and I’m angry that I still have yet to get them in the boxes.

Do you mean Disney’s Gargoyles? I loved how this series adapted all sorts of cultures and mythologies into this amazing storyline!

Although I have no personal relation to native american culture (I’m from europe) I remember those parts of the story very fondly.

Honestly they can do whatever they want to with it because it’s their property.

We don’t know how long ago these backstories were written. It does seem odd that they are dripfeeding the info though. It’s not really a big deal, people just want something to complain about. How many people are looking at Overwatch, or any videogame, and thinking - “Man, if only this videogame represented my culture

Unless that outfit is made specifically to insult a culture or race I see zero reason to censor it. And no “maybe it was made to do it”, it has to be without a doubt. You start censoring questionably offensive materials and you end up with a lack of free expression.

Sorry Luke, but there’s a woman driving. If we want to not offend families in Saudi Arabia we’ll need to get rid of that.

Luigi flipping the bird would have been amazing and I would have bought the game just on principle.

This just proves people can be offended by just about anything.

Fuck Chelsea

I’m a Blazers fan, so Houston- in all its past and future incarnations- can suck a collective dick. But yeah, I like watching Harden play, even though he has the weirdest no-shows at times. Not sure what’s going on, but it’s getting worse as his career plays out.

Dumbest comment. Yes, let’s nuke a whole country based on not liking some things. By this measure, fuck it let’s burn the world down and end it.

Bullshit. Stand up and do it. Break in like you mean it, take the heat, and fight for equal treatment. Don’t hide behind stuff to protect you, take every person hating on you for “not belonging” just because you’re female as a sign you’re doing something right. Hell, the story of Jackie Robinson didn’t end at “And he

If you’re too “awkward/intimidated” to play an online game against digital avatars of other players, you’re too much of a snowflake to actually compete.

“CSGO players aren’t always friendly to women anyone”

The basic idea is to capitalize on the SJW narrative like all of you do with your articles. It’s the new money maker and weapon. Race-baiting and gender-baiting.