
Have you not spent time with or seen how a lot of gamers behave?

It’s one thing to victim blame, but it’s another thing to point out ACTUAL FACTS. While she has to right to wear what ever she wants in the privacy of her home (while streaming and use widely recognized sexually suggestive font. I find it hard to believe she doesn’t know exactly whats she’s doing. SO

Of course. Men can be incredibly gross and get away with it and it sucks. I work with all men and am often shocked at what they can say when there are no women around. I understand that a person who is dressed professionally or even in a burlap sack can also get unwanted attention.

That does not change the fact that

I can solve this. Make a special piece of eyewear in the game that makes female soldiers in multiplayer appear as males to the player wearing them. To balance things out, players wearing these . . . we’ll call them Cock Goggles . . . players wearing Cock Goggles appear as giant flaming penises to everyone else.

You can dislike a person, that’s your prerogative. But attacking someone who made some pretty insensitive comments with even more racism and insensitivity doesn’t do much to help the narrative.

Don’t forget most people use keyboard. You can’t complain about controls if you use only on/off switch instead of stick with multiple positions. Haven’t tried the car yet but have to agree, most people playing gta can’t drive.

Everyone group wants some form of repesentation now a days. Games cant be games anymore can they?

For fuck’s sake, just stop.

I think the bigger question is: Are Gerudo asexual? Do they go on pilgrimages to find a man to father their children? Are they just a society of asexual lesbians? Do they lay eggs? Do they have men in their society locked in a sex dungeon somewhere?

The point is, this whole argument is silly when discussing it in

This is one of those posts where I want to make a comment dismissing it because its socially relevant to the country in which it was made and no country should be forced to adhere to some other countries debatable social justice. But at the same time I know .. Those Jezebelites ... will tear me apart for it.

The feeling is mutual.

“better games”

You’re sad they took the time out to do something they (apparently) enjoyed doing?

Actually what’s dystopian is not having a border and taking one’s chances with whoever chooses to come in, all in the name of some buzzwords like ‘diversity’.

Every time this happens, I’m fascinated and confused.

She’s basically blaming men, and all of society, for her hurting someone she ostensibly loves.

I knew someone would bitch about feminism as soon as they saw a word they don’t like! You didn’t let me down, internet!

Once a cheater, always a cheater. She’s still a cheater, and still can’t be trusted. The guy probably kicks himself to this day about not kicking her to the curb immediately. And now he’s trapped.

Well this is easy...the cheating wife should jump into traffic. Shame on the husband for staying. Once a cheat, always a cheat. Congrats, you are a piece of shit terrible wife, fatty pants. :D

A tipoff where he didn’t jump, two passes, a fist bump and some standing around stretching? That video might be the loosest definition of ‘highlight’ I’ve ever seen.