
where are the sports... i came for the sports not cry babies.

1. “Rust-belt whitey” voted for the candidate that promised to tighten the labor market through immigration and enforce a stricter trade policy. That is the definition of voting in their interest.

Every outlet (including Buzzfeed) is reporting the exact opposite. Please provide citations.

I’m confused.

I don’t love any of the conservative justices, but I don’t think any of them are pure evil, either. I’m hopeful that if something came to them about Trumps ethics / past / current breaking of the law that they would rule on the side of sanity.

where is the truth? they admitted that its not verified, so at the moment its fake news

The truth of the claims in the dossier has not been verified; what has been verified, by several other outlets, is that this dossier exists, and has been known to exist for some time, and contains the claims in BuzzFeed’s reporting.

I can’t wait to see how they force California to cooperate. Maybe I’ll live to see them secede instead of Texas.

I want the wall. And I don’t give a fuck what some British asshole like John Oliver, who isn’t even funny in the first place, has to say about it.

Good. If you want to come to this country, do it legally. Or at least learn how to fucking climb a wall, because you’re going to need to.

No sweeter sound than the sound of liberal despair. Thanks.

Credit where credit is due.... he prefaced “Trump” with “president elect” and not “putrid orange peel with a toupee” like most gawker articles beat us to death with because they don’t realize it was only funny the first time...

The raging from the left continues, spewing their hate on every page they can get a hold of...

So much for tolerance and inclusion form the left, huh?

I wanted to post images of a circle jerk and put a picture of gawker media in the center to make an analogous representation of the editors’ collective anti-trump opinions. Fortunately, I’m at work and would probably be fired for GIS’ing “circle jerk.”


Winners like winners. Losers envy.

And still top of the table...

Triggered ?

We are not talking about every possible act of violence against a male character that could be shown in a movie, while expecting female characters to never encounter any violence