Right here.
Right here.
What we’re saying is, ‘Black lives matter, too.’ Period.
I hope the next time you need one they’ll be too fragile to help you.
Society needs to get real that blacks commit a hugely disproportionate amount of the violent crime and, for that reason partly or maybe primarily, cops interact with them more and are more fearful during the encounter.
So why not put All Lives Matter on the shirt?
I need to get level up to 25 so I can get destroyed
In other words, you’re a bitch who can’t ever find happiness with anything.
did you intentionally name only players who play for other countries?
LeBron is way the best basketball player in the world, and has been for every moment of his NBA career.
This is a HOT take for Deadspin. I mean, the man is always wrong on Deadspin, Stephan A. is always wrong. Any League Commish is always wrong, and Deadspin’s take is always right, according to the nut hugging non-greys.
Are you even married? Two become one.
The actions and/or comments of/from a person has no impact on the way you think about the person who chooses to be married to them? There is no chance you believe that, but this this what your comment implies.
Think about how awkward that conversation was when he spoke to Ayesha. Seriously stfu until the end of the playoffs.
Because that’s your partner and how they act reflects on your values and judgement. It doesn’t reflect massively, it’s not the only aspect of your person, but it plays a part in a lot of people’s minds.
They are maried. They’re a team. If Curry and Clay go cold does it reflect poorly on the Warriors? Yes, cuz they’re a team. It obviously reflects. When you go to a fancy party with your girl and you dress like a slob and she flips out.. Why does she flip out? Cuz she’s embarrassed cuz you’re reflecting on her. Cut the…
You live in.... the world right?
Because like it or not your parner is a relection of you. If not you would not find each others company comfortable enough to be around them. So your partner saying something stupid ALWAYS sounds like it is something you said around them that they are repeating.
It's the Miko situation all over again. People connected to you saying stupid shit always reflects poorly on those associated. Perhaps it's not right, but this is hardly unusual.
COPA is a shit tournament and we shouldn’t be that proud.
Lil B the Based God