
Will this game go off of choices from the first two games, or at least the Witcher 2? I know it mentioned at least one choice, but like DA:I, will there be something you can fill out and make choices on that you can then upload into the Witcher 3 to create your world?

When DA:I first came out my girlfriend was in town for the first weekend after I had purchased it. She isn’t into video games really at all, and honestly kind of hates that I play them as much as I do, but whatever. Well I spend hours that weekend playing it and trying to get her into the lore every time she asked a

Anyone who follows sports knows there is only one thing to credit this to.......him cutting his dreads.

If starring this is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

ah I was unaware of that! I guess that’s kind of the equivalent of the 1st round picks having the team option for the fifth year. Thanks for pointing that out.

Just for clarification, UFA stands for undrafted free-agent, not un-restricted.

Straight three-year deal with no option.

No. Undrafted free agents can only sign three-year deals.

Unless I’m mistaken, UFA can only sign three-year contracts. He would be getting paid less, but drafted free agents are required to sign four-year contracts, and if they’re taken in the first round then there is a fifth year team option. So If La’el signs a three-year deal then he would be able to get that first “big”

As an LSU fan, I hate this for La’el and I hope things turn out to be nothing and he can overcome this situation.

Taking literally everything I have not to read this and be spoiled.

Well, that escalated quickly.

I remember buying this game my sophomore year of college and playing it before my two roommates got in town. I played it at night with all of the lights off and all the windows (like five) in the house open for full effect. It was honestly one of my favorite games on the 360 and if they bring a second one I’d for sure

I am terrified of those pseudo-real characters.

Doesn’t matter anymore. The kid got called up.

Oh cool! thanks

Thanks for the reply!

Thanks for that! From all the videos and I really want to pick it up. I picked up DA:I and that was the first game in that series I had played and I loved it. I hope this works the same way.


Thanks for the reply!